Age of Sigmar Project: Building The Starter Set
Expand your Chaos Horde - Whats on Your List?
Chaos have a huge range of options to call upon stretching back 30 years. Obviously some of the big daemons are a good bet for terrifying your opponent, but what other units do you think you might resurrect?
Skullcrushers of Khorne have always looked cool to me and would probably leave a rather large smear where their opponents used to be after they were done.
Nice big plague drones, nothing say chaos as big nasty flys
I bought a Slaughterbrute to be a big brother to the other beasty, who’s name escapes me right now. Seeing that stomp through a realmgate sounded like too much fun to me
I just brought a pack of the flesh hounds cheap. going to have them run around after the Khorne lord.
Chuck some skaven in there…..clan rats give you a cool trick.
They can charge after retreating……… charge them in with a character to start the proverbial scrum them leave the character in combat and retreat off behind enemy lines to take out a warmachine or wizard. The pile in move adds a little bit of movement to your unit as well.
Since I have collected Chaos Daemons in 40k, it is easy to complement the starter box Goretide with daemonic legions. Specifically for Khorne I got 20 Bloodletters, 3 Bloodcrushers, 5 flesh hounds, a Skull Cannon, a Daemon Prince and an old Bloodthirster. So might just add 10 bloodletters and a Herald, so I can fulfill the Daemonic Cohort-battalion.
I like the Realmgate aspect of the game, so playing scenarios where my Khorne-mortals summons daemons without using magic is sweet.
A pack of the Flesh Hounds, and some Skullcrasher alwasy good or Khorne Warthmongers.
I’m interested in still making a Slaanesh daemon army but I’m concerned over the rumours, hopefully we get the plastic KoS next year
Monsters. great big fecking monsters. Bloodthirster, Plague drones, soul grinder, a keeper of secrets, Glottkin.
All this infantry lark is fiddly. If it doesn’t need lifting with two hands it’s too small. No, I’m not really kidding. Age of Sigmar was made for twits like me who aren’t interested in units but just want to field the big stuff.
Skull crushers, blood reapers, gorebeast chariots, slaughter priest, dragon ogres, giant, blood reavers/warriors with alt weaons, death bringer
Couple of Gorgans, 12 minotaurs, deamon skull crushers, bestigors, gors, ungors, WoC, hounds, flames, screamers, bloodletters, horrors…. it matters not what warscrolls are allowed, we will stream from the gates to cause wreck and ruin!……. but not before, shaking hands, declaring the best man will win, a little bit of horse play and general larking about. THEN and only THEN, will murder take place and dice will hit the floor!!! Grrrrrr