Essen SPIEL '18 Live Blog - Saturday
Conquest Beckons From Para Bellum
Justin stops in with Para Bellum Wargames to talk about Conquest and how things are shaping up for this immense Fantasy world that has been designed by this team.
As well as the Humans and Spire that we’ve seen before we also have the Dweghom coming to life in the game right now.
There has been a lot of buzz around this new mass battle game with rank n’ file mechanics so watch this space.
Those displays are amazing.
Awesome stuff, love the board!
As a superfan. This (maybe surprisingly) makes me very happy.
I’d be gutted if it went the way of runewars or star wars legions.
It looks like they’re doing all the right things to get the launch of this game right 1st time…. only time 🙂
Visted Spiel today and boy there was a lot of traffic on their booth and their setup was impressive.
Amidst a overdose of miniature based boardgames it was nice to see Para Bellum tackle a grand miniature wargame.
And grand it was, I mean even the normal rank an file minis are HUGE. It is way beyond our usual 28mm heroics.
All in all it feels like a win for the PB crew. And a very deserved one.
A very thematic display awesome.
cant wait for this game to come out!
ONce again neat boards
Wow a great set of tables.
I have to disagree with the idea that having lesser factions and then doing releases is a better idea than having a couple full factions. I feel it tends to take a bit to long sometimes untill something exciting and new happens and people tend to forget about the game. I feel both Runewars and as of now Legion have that problem. People get excited, buy lots of the early stuff but then it’s playing against the same old thing for several months, one update usually only brings one extra thing to each faction and it gets bought up right… Read more »
Dude, they were going to release with 2 factions then drip feed to 4 over a year. They scrapped that plan, due to community feedback so that they can release with 4 factions quickly then add more over the first year. They are doing that precisely because of the mistakes of IPs like Runewars. They are releasing more and quicker than originally planned.
Also, don’t worry about their markets knowledge… apart from this,
“Para Bellum Wargames Ltd is a game developer, headquartered in Cyprus with offices in Greece and the USA and are part of substantial conglomerate with interests in shipping, real estate, agriculture and technology. We operate on a global basis and are led by a seasoned team of gaming professionals with deep industry know-how, who draw on the extensive corporate, legal and financial resources of our wider group.”
One of the team was also Games Workshops international business development manager once upon a time
Those boards are amazing.
The models are amazing and they have a great story behind everything. Can’t wait, I’ll probably end up spending a lot of money on this one.
Looking forward to this.