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Live Blog: X-Wing on Endor - Scenario In The Works

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Building The Imperial Base


We move onto building the Imperial Base using various models from many Star Wars ranges that we've collected over the years. One of the defensive options we have included here is the Space Station Lasers from Battlefront which gives us some amazing Anti-Air turrets.

Check out Warren inventively crafting some docking stations for the AT-ATs too plus we have Ion Cannons at the ready to deter any pesky bombing raids.

The Power generators are built from Secret Weapon and Quantum Gothic kits, dismantled to make our own re-purposed barracks to hold the troops and TIE Fighter landing pads.

The turbo shafts are built from excess sprues that we have lying around the studio. You'll have to use your own ingenuity to craft something similar at home!

Micro Arts Studio buildings act as a landing pad for the Lambda Shuttles and perhaps more AT-AT docking ports. Do you think we need some more of those?

Critical Mass Games also provide some beautiful tanks with dozer blades to get through the forests.

Finally we get to the landscaping. Lloyd begins growing his own forest by adding some trees to provide a lot of obstacles across the battlefield to crash into and dodge around.

What do you think so far?

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drakefirenick johnsonzorgAustin Recent comment authors
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When the bulldozer was first brought up I thought that it could be an interesting mechanic of them knocking down some trees to open up some paths or make a tree fall on a pilot and they would have to roll and not get a 1. Then I thought that the empire could have too much control deciding when to knock down a tree. So what if they were on auto pilot after the base got contacted that the second death star blown up and what ever survivors were coming to the secret base to stay. So the empire put… Read more »


THANK YOU, I’m glad I’m not the only one to see that.

Cult of Games Member

love the table love the dozers getting a very imperial/avatar vibe from them, @warzan you can say that the trees are the level of a orbital defence heavy shield destroying anything that hits it?


With the flying through the path vs. flying over the trees here is a couple idea. Because if you have the risk you might want the reward for it. 1. One the imperial player flying over the trees if he shots at the rebel player in the trees. The rebel player add one or two defense die for cover. Because the imperial player has really no need to follow them through the forest. This would give the imperial player the reward of a better shot at the risk of smashing into a tree. 2. If the rebel player goes over… Read more »

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