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TheTerrainTutor Builds The Fabled Realms

And that little bit goes there …

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theterraintutor Building The Fabled Realms! Entries by this blogger

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And that little bit goes there ...


In this episode, we tackle taking the landmasses from the Fabled Realms map and onto the board. We cover the techniques and materials used to get these crucial foundations right and discuss future challenges such as creating the mountains, the cities and what we're going to do next to the board.

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Mel (The Terrain Tutor)GuillotineJon RozenbergskbogEnzo Maini Recent comment authors
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Hi Mel: pretty picture but the video is private. snifff


I love with the marking out of the land. ‘That’s the plan’ we have all had that moment. This is looking great


Looking great, can’t wait for the next one.


good job mel , looks real nice, being a long time fan and petreon , i was sure i would be great.
Can not wait to see more.

Cult of Games Member

I think you’re right about the clay mountains. I don’t see you getting the detail you want at that scale with the foam. I’m thinking clay would work well with the cities too. Maybe even casting?Seek out some medieval art for the city look.

Have you thought about making molds and casting “old-tyme” map style mountains?

For the coasts, maybe the tactic is to raise the sea level with gel AND bevel the foam.

Cult of Games Member

One more thought, if this is going into a picture frame I’m assuming it will be displayed vertically. Therefore everything on the board (especially the mountains) has to be light enough and fastened so well that gravity doesn’t become you’re enemy.

Cult of Games Member

exiting build, I would personally do hills from das, easy to work with after drying than clay and cities ith that scale 3d print I think, looking forward for updated and live build,


I really like this idea of a 3d map. Very cool what youve managed so far. For cities ive no idea if im honest, while the gw ines would be ok theyre all gw ones and it would be nicer to see something different. I think printing may be your only option. Hill wise i think youre spot on with das as you can sculpt pretty well with it. Or use a slightly lighter foam like some of @lloyd stuff, not tried to see what you can achieve at that scale but i think ripping up some foam might work.

Cult of Games Member

Even looks amazing as is. Keep it blue! I would be tempted to build the mountains and hills out of cork or other easy to cut sheet material. cut circles and shapes stacking them smaller up to the peak then skim them with car body filler (for strength) for the last stage. On the notes of castles, as you have lots to do I would make 3 or 4 cookie cutters out of plastic or wood. Then use these on clay or putty and then stack the 3 – 4 layers to make the final piece and smooth the sides.… Read more »


Great work keep up the good work

Cult of Games Member

a great video.


I’m not sure you’d get the definition you need at this scale but you could potentially vacuum form the cities and then paint them. This would have the advantage of being ultra light. Alternatively just using pieces of squared off wood (balsa probably) cut to different sizes. Maybe with a slightly more ornate centre piece (ie a tower with crenelations) and a tiny wooden wall made up of straight pieces would probably work. And loving the series so far, looking forward to seeing this one progress! BTW for those looking for the live video, as it’s not linked here, you… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Awesome work so far Mel! Can’t wait to see the rest.


Mel’s enthusiasm is awesome.

As far as city markers, check eBay out for
“Disney edition Monopoly Replacement Pieces Parts Castles Cottages” You get nice cottage and castle sculpts and they are cheap $9 USD

Also search eBay for “miniature Castles” There are some listed that are only 1″ tall

Cult of Games Member

Irregular have a range of 2mm building which could be useful, though only for the larger cities.
Also Brigade (UK) might have something.

Cult of Games Member

SketchUp is free software and probably the easiest 3D modeller to learn. You should be making simple buildings within an hour or two of downloading the software. Exporting to a 3d print format should be a simple process of finding a plug-in (there are a few out there, and it depends on the printer’s native software and what file types it reads). I think you were on the right track by identifying cities with markers. Typically on a map these would be Capitols, fortresses, major cities, and key trade locations (like villages on crossroads, or key narrative locations). Even at… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

(continued from above – sorry, I wasn’t quite done typing – I hit a bunch of random keys, and the next thing knew it was posted!) – Small villages are likely loose clusters of buildings – Are there significant public spaces within the walls that could be shown? – Most buildings will be perceived as groups of masses with open channels representing the streets. – If it’s worth 3d printing a building, I would do only 1 per city, and then only for the large cities. Pick a landmark that identifies it, and then other landmarks on that map that… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Looking good so far! And always entertaining to listen Mel.

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