Bolt Action: Western Desert Boot Camp Live Blog - Saturday

Some Tips For Painting Bolt Action British Sikhs
You might have seen these Sikh troops yesterday? Well, the progress has been awesome on these so far today and it looks like we’re going to get a very unique army coming together for this British force.
What other smaller sections of the British force do you think you’d see in the Western Desert?
Great progress so far.
Nice quick work.
Rommel described the Indian troops as the most professional among the opponents he faced in the desert. I think he was hinting at their discipline, competence and strong resolve. The weird thing is, some Indians fought in Normandy for the Germans – there are some photos of Rommel inspecting them on the Atlantic Wall.
The Indian Legion under Subhas Chandra Bose . That’s an article series by itself
great too see indian regiments
Thats just shocking. Puts my speed to shame.
That really is some amazing progress in such little time. Nice work!! Got to love those Sikhs!!
Nice job on those.
Nice, I want my own!
Great paint jobs.
Nice paint work so far
Looking good Jeff!
Amara up close! Nice model. Suprisingly amount of details attached to it.
I say dip em now!
Nice to see something different in a force of allies
I’m just blown away with how much people get done. Another fantastic project
His army is awesome
Like the idea of putting an mmg on the carrier
The Sikhs are looking great. I live near Brighton and it was interesting to find out that Brighton Pavilion was used as a hospital for Sikh forces in WW1. I even saw the two guys running the Brighton Marathon in full uniform. Amazing.
wow! amazing progress in such a short space of time…
great sculpts
Nice armee.
looking good
Great that the Sikhs are represented. Does the box do Aussies/Kiwis as well?
Even flamethrowers should be able to attach a bayonet according to Chesty Puller
Chesty Puller was exactly that brand of crazy. 😀
That’s great, especially in such a short time. I am really liking the look of those head swaps – they have real character.