Kromlech Release Awesome New Caste Enclaves Flyers & More

June 9, 2023 by brennon

Kromlech has been going great guns (literally) when it comes to their expanded Caste Enclaves collection. If you're looking for some alternative miniatures to represent your T'au on the grimdark battlefields of Warhammer 40,000 then how about these big ships and more?

Ghostshark - Kromlech

Ghostshark // Kromlech

These miniatures have been designed to work alongside the official range by Games Workshop and essentially work as alternatives for a lot of their bigger vehicles, walkers and more. If you keep an eye on the different weapon loadouts and the names, you'll start to work out which vehicles these are meant to represent.

Lanternfish Bomber - Kromlech

Lanternfish Bomber // Kromlech

All of the miniatures that you see here come in high-quality resin so you're going to want to level up your hobby chops when it comes to tinkering with these kits. They should also end up looking pretty darn dominating when they hit the tabletop too!

Swordtail - Kromlech

Swordtail // Kromlech

Tideline Fighter - Kromlech

Tideline Fighter // Kromlech

I really like the look of these miniatures and I think it fits with the idea of the T'au wanting to dominate the battlefields of the grimdark future. Why bother using regular T'au Fire Warriors and the like when you can use big drones that could all be automated by AI and the minds of the Commanders back in their ships that are hovering over the battlefield? I think it works really well.

Whilst these are useful for those wanting to play as T'au, I think these would also be good to use when designing different alien armies for other games too. There's nothing massively "40K" about them. By that, I mean that they don't look so grim that they wouldn't work in other Sci-Fi worlds and there is a nice absence of skulls!

Warmantis - Kromlech

Warmantis // Kromlech

Sticking with the drones vibe but moving away from larger vehicles, there are also these Blackfish Drones which would be handy when looking to build stealthy elements of your army, sneaking around behind enemy lines.

Blackfish Drones - Kromlech

Blackfish Drones // Kromlech

Some great stuff from the folks at Kromlech once again and certainly shows that the Caste Enclaves range wasn't just a flash in the pan. A fun idea that should allow you to make some interesting armies on the tabletop for Warhammer 40,000 and beyond.

Will you be checking out more from this collection?

"If you're looking for some alternative miniatures to represent your T'au on the grimdark battlefields of Warhammer 40,000 then how about these big ships..."

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