VLOG: Kings of Saga – Make your own custom bases
August 25, 2017 by lloyd
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Very nice. From memory depth is unimportant for kow bases
no the depth is quite important, a flanking unit doubles it’s attacks against you so having a deeper base than standard can leave you open for nasty flank. But the sizes Lloyd was increasing by in a friendly game wasn’t going to massively impact the game
I bow to your greater knowledge
That stuff with plastic is called Gator Board (http://www.artsupply.com/foamcore/gatorboard.htm) and most print shops are happy to give you the off cuts because they have to throw it away anyway. Although, do not know why you used a dremel tool. You can simply use a box cutter with a long blade.
it’s not foam core, it’s an acrylic sheet all the way through, a box cutter would just snap off
it’s great stuff, Mel the Terrain tutor uses it as well. you can score it with a knife and snap it. The lad I get it from just dumps it,
I think a knife would do the job. If I remember right, I think I talked about a knife but was just in the mood for a power tool! 🙂
The product you’re looking for in the UK is “foamed PVC”. You can get big packs of A4 sheets on eBay for not a lot of money.
Awesome! I’ve really been enjoying my kow lately and I’m looking at fireforge to do a human army. I’d be happy to see a kow batrep from you guys!
a neat way to form up units.
Where can I find how to play or bat rep for saga?
they’ve never done one. But if you google RubbishInRubbishOut on youtube he has done several videos on how to play and different forces.
I’m hoping they may feel the urge in the future to do some of their own here though.
Would be nice to see – heck I might volunteer to show up for one next time I am in the UK
Lloyd@ looks great, but you could also have played KOW historical if you wanted too 😉 I dont know how they stack up to a fantasy army, point wise, but could be really cool 🙂 hope you guys will soon make a battle report or lets play with saga.
Me and my friends are using more or less the same idea for movement trays with our for playing big and faster battles in lord of the rings.
the plan had been to play KoW:H but I had visiting family and couldn’t make it, Clive who is a big fan of regular KoW suggested the switch to the fantasy version since he had an army with him.
Historic lists can suffer against the fantasy elements due to things like fliers being a large feature of the lists.
What about using magnetic stickers ?
That could keep the minis on those movement trays with minimal effort.
It probably is a bit more work than a few flocking bits of board, but it might be worth the extra effort in the end.
Yeah, this was just a last minute thing to get playing at the weekend.
To the best of my knowledge base size is unimportant, therefore base the Saga on 20mm square bases.
to a certain extent that’s true, they do have min and max sizes, but we’re not tournament players so any is fine. I know @Lloyd tried smaller bases before, on his Rus.