Mantic Reveal Edge Of The Abyss Kings Of War Campaign Info & Characters

May 18, 2017 by brennon

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Mantic Games has run through a reveal of new information on their upcoming Summer Campaign for Kings Of War called Edge Of The Abyss...

Edge Of The Abyss

Here's some of the background on this new conflict...

"For centuries it has remained still, but now The Abyss is growing. The denizens of this terrible place have finally unlocked its awful secrets and now it spreads like an open wound across the face of Mantica. Whatever gets in its way – woods, armies, farmlands, mountains, even entire cities – are swallowed into its chaotic depths, where they feed the fires of its cruel inhabitants.

The evil races of Mantica are thriving on the terrible energies being released from this hellish chasm. Necromancers are able to raise legions of the undead. Orc raiding parties are riding across the plains, slaying any that get in their path.

The Empire of Dust is trying to raise a great fleet to sail across the Infant Sea. Goblins swarm across the land, like a green plague. While the Abyssal Dwarfs sense an opportunity to wipe out their dwarven kin. It is a time of fear and darkness.

Yet, there is hope. Sensing this awful affront to Nature, the Green Lady has sent her many messengers throughout the land. On wing, claw, paw and hoof they have travelled the length and breadth of Mantica to carry a simple message: “Unite!” In ancient Dwarven Halls to the lush forests of Elves and majestic cities of Basilea, the rallying cry has been heard.

Now the ground shakes as the armies of Good march to war, united under the banner of the Green Lady. Whatever the costs, the sickening spread of the Abyss must be stopped!"

...and recently a new Blog Post has also been going into some of the optional rules that you can look to include in your games of Kings Of War to influence the future of the game world. For example,

  • Formation Rules - Specific army compositions which will give you a benefit on the battlefield.
  • New Units - These are units specially made for this campaign which you can begin to add into your army on the tabletop.

There will also be lots more where that came from when the campaign hits. What we're excited for however are the new characters!

New Characters & New Stories

Mantic were good enough to send over some of the backgrounds for these new characters for the campaign. Here's a rundown of what we know so far...

Artakl (Ghekkotah Clutch Warden)


"Plucked from a seemingly simple life of hunting in the jungles surrounding The Three Kings, Artakl is thrust into the harsh world of Mantica to fight alongside her fellow Salamanders. However, her ability to blend into the shadows of the battlefield makes her a deadly assassin who can appear from nowhere and silence her foe with the slash of her blade."

Eckter (Placoderm Defender)


"Eckter has spent time both on land and in the watery kingdoms of the Trident Realm. For a time he fought alongside the Forces of Nature against the abominable orcs that stalked the land. Before returning to the sea, he promised that if the Green Lady should ever need his services again, he would gladly provide his spear.

In the years that passed, he hoped and prayed that she would never call upon him but with the Abyss threatening to overwhelm the land, it’s time for Eckter to venture back to dry land once more."

Jarvis (Ophidian Obsessed Necromancer)


"Unlike many that delve into the forbidden magic of necromancy, Jarvis is determined to ensure it doesn’t corrupt his spirit. In the war against the Abyss, he only resurrects those brave souls willing to fight for Good and leads his shambling hordes with a mix of pride and revulsion.

But always there is that tug to darkness and Jarvis just has to ensure the battle against the forces of darkness is not also a war for his soul."

Magnilde (Varangur Demon Hunter)


"Since leaving her clan, Magnilde has roamed the lands surrounding the Abyss, determined to prove loyalty to Korgaan by bathing herself in the demonic blood of her foes.

With each sacrifice she feels herself becoming closer to the ancient god and one day she will return to her clan, ready to lead the Varangur to war against the Abyss… or anyone else that stands in her way."

Mau-ti-bu-su (Abyssal Temptress)


"Mau’ti-bu-su revels in the torture and destruction of her victims. She will often stay on the battlefield long after the fighting is finished to find those unfortunate souls who are clinging onto the last gasps of life.

However, rather than speeding up their demise, she takes great pleasure in prolonging their agony before sending them into the fires of the Abyss."

So, there you go. Some new character to throw into the mix and plenty to look forward when it comes to Kings Of War and Mantica this Summer.

Are you going to be joining in?

"Mantic were good enough to send over some of the backgrounds for these new characters for the campaign..."

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