Check Out Westfalia’s Dark Object Sci-Fi Horror Miniatures

July 23, 2024 by brennon

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Westfalia Miniatures has taken to Kickstarter with a new Sci-Fi Horror miniatures project called Dark Object. As well as a stunning new range of miniatures by Boris Woloszyn there is also a game to go alongside them.

Dark Object Kickstarter - Westfalia Miniatures

Dark Object Kickstarter // Westfalia Miniatures

Westfalia Miniatures' new range of miniatures for Dark Object features hardened space marines, deadly demons from the abyss, alien foes and everything else in between. Inspiration came from Alien, Event Horizon (amazing film), DOOM and more. Humans clash with twisted cyborgs and deep space horrors on tight clashes on the tabletop.

There are two pledge options for the game. The first is custom and allows you to pick-and-mix whilst the second offers a solid Starter Force for you to use in your games of Dark Object.

Dark Object Miniatures - Westfalia Miniatures

Dark Object Miniatures // Westfalia Miniatures

As you can see, there is a good mix of hardened space marines alongside engineers, androids and scientists who might have been dragged along by some corporation or other. They can then clash with twisted amalgamations of the synthetic and organic with a variety of cyborgs. There are also terrible demons that have ripped through tears in reality and are looking to spill enough blood so their overlords can follow in their wake.

As well as the core pledge, Dark Object also features a set of Stretch Goals that are going to be blasted open as part of this campaign.

Dark Object Stretch Goals - Westfalia Miniatures

Dark Object Stretch Goals // Westfalia Miniatures

My favourite has to be the Apex and the Spaghetti Men who look like they got far too close to those alien eggs in the corner of that dark room. Do not prod the alien eggs. Stop it! All of these will get added to the Dark Object tier as they get unlocked during the campaign.

If you'd like to know more about the Dark Object miniatures and see them in the flesh, Gerry did an unboxing and review of them...

Unboxing: Dark Object - Deep Space Horror Miniatures

Make sure to tell us what you make of the miniatures and if you have some favourites.

Dark Object Wargaming Rules

As well as the miniatures, you can also get the FREE rules for Dark Object over on Kickstarter. Dark Object is a small-scale skirmish game where you take a team of two-to-six miniatures to defeat your opponent and control barren planets, frozen plains and the wreckage of long-lost spaceships that were torn from the endless void and spat back out into reality.

Dark Object Rules - Westfalia Miniatures

Dark Object Rules // Westfalia Miniatures

You will build your team using a grading system and then dive into a narrative story over the course of a few interlinked games. You can opt to play as the tough-as-nails Marines or perhaps take on the role of the terrifying Exoterrestrials.

Marines - Dark Object

Marines // Dark Object

Dark Object Gameplay - Westfalia Miniatures

Dark Object Gameplay // Westfalia Miniatures

The rules can be downloaded HERE and come in at around forty-three pages. The rules don't look that tough to digest but there's enough in there for you to customise your crew and have some fun diving into the nitty gritty. There are also plenty of diagrams, stunning art and a bunch of scenarios for you to use as the basis for your first adventures.

Are you going to be diving into the Dark Object miniatures range and the game itself?

"Westfalia Miniatures' new range of miniatures for Dark Object features hardened space marines, deadly demons from the abyss, alien foes and everything else in between..."

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Supported by (Turn Off)

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