Titan-Forge’s X-Terra Vs Daemons Kickstarter Fights On!

February 4, 2015 by brennon

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A whole bunch of new stuff is coming your way for the X-Terra Vs Daemons Kickstarter by Titan-Forge. New big models, objective markers, daemons and more are flooding out of the studio...

APC Sabre

Thor Cannon & Engineer


Objective Markers

A whole bunch of extras have popped up for the X-Terra Space Force that include the rather impressive looking APC Sabre which is one hell of a chunky piece of kit that would look awesome with a bit of vehicle-based drybrushing and weathering around the tracks. The Thor cannon then gives you some ranged firepower as the APC advances.

Terra Bundle

Marines Bundle

Horde Bundle

All of this comes on the back of a whole bunch of bundles for the different type of X-Terra force that you want to run. I think I'd have to punt for the full on Terra Bundle which gives you two of the awesome APCs and some of the bikers too.

Spirits of Ignorance

Skybeast of Ignorance

On the Daemon side of things the creatures of Ignorance have been given some more gribbly monsters to fight with. Slithering and squirming across the floor we have the Spirits of Ignorance that are a twisting mass of smoke and energy. In the skies above the Skybeasts are blotting out the sun.

It certainly looks like the guys at Titan-Forge are playing towards a certain existing set of armies but the difference means that you could easily field these forces in a range of different games.

What do you think?

"A whole bunch of extras have popped up for the X-Terra Space Force that include the rather impressive looking APC Sabre"

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"On the Daemon side of things the creatures of Ignorance have been given some more gribbly monsters to fight with"

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