Stunning Sci-Fi Miniatures From Strange Plastic’s Project: Blackstar

November 15, 2023 by brennon

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Strange Plastic is a new group on Kickstarter looking to bring some stunning new 32mm Sci-Fi miniatures to the tabletop for use in your wargames and other tabletop adventures. Project: Blackstar is shaping up to be a fascinating project featuring both digital miniatures and physical ones too.

Project Blackstar - Strange Plastic

Project: Blackstar // Strange Plastic

Project: Blackstar sees Strange Plastic working to bring the stunning artwork of Pascal Blanché to life with some 32mm scale miniatures inspired by his designs. In this case, we're following the adventures of Aurélie Valois who is one of the Gendarme of Project: Blackstar, tasked with defending humanity against the cosmic terrors that stalk through the darkness of space.

Gendarme Aurelie Valois - Strange Plastic

Gendarme Aurelie Valois // Strange Plastic

These miniatures therefore seem like they would be a brilliant addition to someone's collection if they were looking to build a new crew for the likes of Stargrave or Rogue Stars. These might also be great miniatures to throw into the mix alongside the roleplaying game we looked at today as well, Pressure!

All of the miniatures that you see here are available in 32mm but you can also get miniatures in 75mm if you're looking to simply start a new painting project. As mentioned, they are also available physically or you can get them digitally to print off at home.

Gendarme Tactical Operations - Strange Plastic

Gendarme Tactical Operations // Strange Plastic

The miniatures are fantastically retro in their aesthetic and you could imagine them being part of artwork from Sci-Fi films of the 80s and 90s. You can get your hands on the miniatures as a full set (featuring unfortunate space horrors and the Gendarmes) but there are also options to just get individual sets if you prefer. That means you can mix and match your crews as you see fit.

Gendarme Bio-Science Warfare Group - Strange Plastic

Gendarme Bio-Science Warfare Group // Strange Plastic

Gendarme Carry All - Strange Plastic

Gendarme Carry All // Strange Plastic

I love that the Gendarmes are mixed between scientists and the soldiers that have been sent to protect them. It's already getting me excited about the scenario possibilities surrounding this collection. Clearly, Aurelie Valois has been called to a planet where these scientists have found something strange in an alien ruin. With her Tactical Operations team by her side, they push in and find these scientists running for their lives as the horrors within the ruin have been unleashed by their tinkering!

Talking of foes, here are the poor unfortunates that have been claimed by whatever dwells within that cosmic alien ruin.

Abyssal Husks - Strange Plastic

Abyssal Husks // Strange Plastic

Space undead are the best undead? Still armed with their weapons, these haunting Abyssal Husks are going to be relentlessly pursuing you across the tabletop as you look to get to safety. I think these would look great either completely covered in blood or with big glowing skulls, illuminated by some strange intelligence that now lives within their bodies.

You can also get your hands on the Hemoglyphs that have ended up taking control of their hosts (although one soldier is trying in vain to extract himself from their grip!).

Hemoglyphs - Strange Plastic

Hemoglyphs // Strange Plastic

Again, these are amazing and have that properly awesome Pulp Sci-Fi vibe to them. I could also see these painting up very nicely, especially if you gave the alien spores a glow effect that mirrored those of the Abyssal Husks.

Last but not least, we have the Spectral Sanguivores themselves that are going to be an ever-present danger. I like the idea of simply being near one of these could mean that it lunges for you, trying to suck your head into its jaws!

Spectral Sanguivores - Strange Plastic

Spectral Sanguivores // Strange Plastic

More is being unlocked for this campaign as it powers on including helmets for the Gendarmes but I think this is a great start. I love the style of these miniatures and I would imagine that the future is bright for Strange Plastic if they decided to do more for this universe.

I'll reiterate that these would be great miniatures for the likes of Stargrave or perhaps 7TV. They are very evocative!

Could you be tempted by these cosmic explorers and their alien foes?

"...these would be great miniatures for the likes of Stargrave or perhaps 7TV"

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