Mortian Cyberrats Army Skitters Onto Kickstarter

July 22, 2020 by avernos

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Mortian is currently on Kickstarter with an amazing range of 32mm Cyberrats to enhance your favourite Sci-Fi gaming experience (and by enhancing I mean ratify). Over twenty highly detailed miniatures have been conceived for your tabletop.

Rat Ogre Heavy Weapon // Mortian

The first model is already sculpted with the others following after the Kickstarter. There is a range from single Cyberrats, to larger ogre-sized ones and even mounted rat dudes on weird machines or monsters.

The Rat Ogres are beefy 50mm figures with a choice of close combat weapons or heavy weapons planned. Three different body poses with a selection of weapon arms. As we have seen from the initial completed sculpt the quality of the sculpting is fantastic and will look the part on any tabletop.

Alongside these beasts Markus is also working on a more man-sized selection of Cyberrats, again these will be a multipart set of miniatures with six planned bodies and a variety of weapons from pistol to shotguns so you can work out what the best way to build your Cyberrats is for your game of choice.

Megarat // Mortian

The stand out models in this campaign for me has got to be the Megarat and the Hunter (below). The Megarat gives you a choice to field a ratlord to lead your scurrying packs of furries or a gunner targeting foes with a massive cannon. In both cases, they'll be propelled around the board on the back of a giant mutant rat fiend with mechanical and cybernetic enhancements.

A truly terrifying sight I'm sure you'll agree. The Hunter is a monowheel gun platform, donutting around your opponent while hemming them in with well-placed pewpews. It looks like it will look great to put onto the tabletop in a squadron to counter your opponent's big hitters and if that doesn't work you could always crash into them instead.

The Cyberrats if successful will be resin cast so the detail that you can see in the initial sculpt, or Mortian's current range, will be captured perfectly. The only question will be what game would you play them with.

They would fit in very well with Mantic's Deadzone, if you fancy a more bespoke gang for the game, or you could use them as a proxy for another faction in other games. Just because your system doesn't include Cyberrats yet doesn't mean that you can't substitute them for some other alien force.

Yaaaaay rat fans

"Just because your system doesn't include Cyberrats yet doesn't mean that you can't substitute them for some other alien force. "

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