Zenit Reveal Strange Magical Beasts For Torii & Kensei

August 1, 2017 by brennon

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Zenit Miniatures has revealed some new creatures from the darkness to throw into the mix when it comes to their games of Torii & Kensei. See what you make of them...


These creatures are strange, weird and totally awesome all at the same time. First off we have the Jubokko.


This creature is a walking tree from Japanese mythology, drinking up the blood of the fallen from battle. It also ensnares those that pass by it with that cruel looking maw and drinks them dry to maintain its fresh appearance.

Next, we have the Onmoraki which breaks down into two models.

onmoraki I

onmoraki II

These strange birds are odd skeletal creatures that prey on neglectful priests. They would hang around temples and sneak up on them while they were sleeping scolding them in an imitation of their own voice.

They are born into life from the death of others, a running theme in all of these battlefield creatures.

What do you think?

"These strange birds are odd skeletal creatures that prey on neglectful priests..."

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