Exclusive! Upcoming Color-ED Yu Jing Infinity Terrain

March 20, 2016 by brennon

PlastCraft Games have been good enough to share some of their upcoming kits with us once again as we take a look at some additions to their ColorED line-up for Infinity. Here we have the makings of an old and run down Yu Jing district...


We kick things off with the mainstays of any slightly lawless area. Here we have a small building proudly displaying the fact that you can pick up more bullets within no doubt. We'll continue this look at the necessities with a Bar!


These are all looking like some awesome buildings to help build up an urban environment so far. Importantly some of them provide you with cover inside the doorways (like with the ammunition store) and also some raised areas too as you'll see later.

Biomechanical Replacements

These two buildings perfectly represent some of the thought that has gone into these buildings. You could take cover behind those jutting out walls and in that doorway below to avoid enemy fire and move up through the streets from cover to cover.

Shopping Centre

This building even has a little bit of a snipers next built into the top of it so you could find yourself a cubbyhole and start taking taking pot shots as the enemy run across the street.

Two Storie

Last but not least we'll show off the reverse of one of the buildings so you can see some of the raised options they offer. Here we have a Sushi Bar which has a rather perfect place for stealthy goings on.

Sushi Corner

Sushi Corner (Reverse)

With some of the mats that you can get now this would look great when assembled and popped down on the tabletop as quick as you like. You could get playing Infinity in an interesting environment without a whole lot of hassle. Adding to the range they also have some Stairs & Ladders for you.

Stairs & Walkways

These have that little Yu Jing flavour to them that could help connect some of these buildings together and give you ample opportunity to fight above ground. Levels and verticality are always important to tabletop games.

What do you think Infinity fans?

"You could take cover behind those jutting out walls and in that doorway below to avoid enemy fire and move up through the streets from cover to cover..."

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