Sneak A Look At Corvus Belli’s Infinity New Edition Previews

September 24, 2024 by brennon

Corvus Belli are looking ahead to a new edition of their 28mm scale Sci-Fi wargame, Infinity. N5 is just around the corner (hint, we might me talking to Carlos about it soon) but in the meantime, you can check out some cool previews from Corvus Belli that have been popping up online.

Operation Sandtrap - Infinity N5

Operation Sandtrap // Infinity N5

The first Battle Pack for the new edition of Infinity will be Operation Sandtrap which will feature the Sectorial armies of PanOceania and JSA battling it out on the tabletop. On the one side, you have the Kestrel Colonial Force and on the other, you have the Shindenbutai. This will be a full two-player Battle Pack giving you everything you need to play the game.

[INFINITY N5] Operation Sandtrap - Battle Pack Trailer Reveal

As well as the look at the contents of Operation Sandtrap, the folks at Corvus Belli have also been sharing snippets of lore and more on the miniatures that you'll be getting as part of the set. Take a peek at the videos below...

Raiden Seibutai Unit Spotlight - Operation Sandtrap

Fennec Fusiliers Unit Spotlight - Operation Sandtrap

Senku Troops Unit Spotlight - Operation Sandtrap

Hatamoto Imperial Guard Unit Spotlight - Operation Sandtrap

This is a neat little spotlight on the PanOceania and JSA miniatures that you're going to be able to get your hands on as part of the set. As well as looking at the contents of Operation Sandtrap, the folks at Corvus Belli have also been looking at the other factions in N5 including the Combined Army.

Combined Army In Infinity N5

If you're excited by what's coming in the new edition of Infinity, make sure to take a peek at the Infinity YouTube channel over the coming weeks as they hone in on the new edition. Keep an eye here OnTableTop as well for more!

What do you make of the previews so far?

"The first Battle Pack for the new edition of Infinity will be Operation Sandtrap..."

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