Stunning New Infinity Terrain & Display Boards From Warsenal

February 11, 2020 by brennon

Warsenal has been showing off some very impressive looking terrain which you can pick up to suit the world of Infinity. First off, we're checking out this pretty insane-looking Alcazaba Display Board which would be useful for display purposes (obviously) and more.

Alcazaba Display Board - Warsenal

This, as you might imagine, a pretty insane display piece for showing off your Infinity army. As well as all of the terrain elements that you see here you can also pick it up alongside a set of appropriate bases which mean that your characters, troops and more will fit in perfectly. Also, it comes with two drawers which allow you to store your gaming aids and more. So yes, this is a HUGE piece.

Build The Trenches

As well as the display board you can also pick up a few more elements to help build up your Taugak Trench System. The Taugak Dogan is the first of the kits from this release which gives you a place to hunker down when the bombs start dropping.

Taugak Dogan - Warsenal

The set offers up two of these Taugak Dogan which can be used to give you the impression of armed watch posts which are dotted along the trench network. These would be ideal places to set up important objectives as you could imagine that either computers or communication arrays could be set up inside. Maybe even important characters could use this as the place where they strike out from?

You can also pick up the Yaogat's Nest set which offers up some more strongpoints for the trench.

Yaogats Nest - Warsenal

These are effectively the same as a guard tower and would be a perfect place to take aim with a sniper rifle. I love the idea of a group having to infiltrate this trench system and your opponent setting up watch with snipers as you sneak around outside. Adding a bit more stealth into the equation would be a fun way to set up a scenario.

Are you tempted to snap up some of this terrain from Warsenal or even that massive display board?

"Are you tempted to snap up some of this terrain from Warsenal or even that massive display board?"

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