Infinity GenCon Seminar 2024 – Catch Up! [Updated]

August 2, 2024 by brennon

Make sure to catch up with Corvus Belli's GenCon 2024 Seminar covering Infinity and what the future holds for their 28mm Sci-Fi wargame. A very excited Carlos will take you through all you need to know.

Gen Con Seminar Infinity

GenCon Seminar - 3rd August 2024 // Infinity

Corvus Belli will go through all of the big news surrounding the future of Infinity and what the year holds for the game. There are going to be lots of interesting surprises coming so make sure to watch the livestream!

ratnik Ariadna

ratnik miniature ariadna

kludgers 0-12 infinity

waveriders o-12 infinity

domaru takeshi infinity

hayabusa jsa

N5 Battlepack Infinity

Drop your thoughts below and tell us what you think of the reveals when they pop up on the 3rd August!

Are you liking what's coming for Infinity?

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