Infinity Essentials Set Coming December From Corvus Belli

October 23, 2024 by brennon

Following on from Operation: Sandtrap and Infinity N5 Week here OnTableTop, we have a look ahead at the new Infinity Essentials set that will be coming from Corvus Belli for those wanting a new entry point into this 28mm Sci-Fi wargame.

Essentials Set - Infinity

Essentials Set // Infinity

The Infinity Essentials line has been designed specifically to give new players a solid entry point into the Infinity wargame. It gives you everything that two players need to get started in a beginner-friendly manner, teaching you the rules as you play.

Essentials Set Contents - Infinity

Essentials Set Contents // Infinity

You get the Quick Start Rules in the set, designed to walk you through your play experience as well as helpful aid cards and statistics cards for each of the characters you'll be using in-game. You also get the quick and easy-to-assemble terrain alongside dice, tokens and a ruler.

When it comes to the miniatures, you get three for each faction, PanOceania and JSA.

Essentials PanOceania Miniatures - Infinity

Essentials PanOceania Miniatures // Infinity

Essentials JSA Miniatures - Infinity

Essentials JSA Miniatures // Infinity

This will give you just enough detail to get your head around without being overwhelmed by a full team. They are also great, classic miniatures that provide you with a good starting point before diving deeper into the Infinity world. Maybe from here you do go and get Operation: Sandtrap and expand your force for bigger games?

As mentioned, Infinity Essentials will be out later this year in December. Watch this space for more on Essentials as we'll be covering it with Carlos and Killian in the near future.

Will you be trying out the Essentials set?

"Infinity Essentials will be out later this year in December..."

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