Take The High Ground With Walkways For Infinity From Warsenal
July 21, 2014 by brennon
Warsenal are taking to the high road with some new Walkways as part of the Comanche Set. This brings you up a level and will have you fighting across walkways, stairs and octagon tower sections...
The first part to take a look at is the Octagon that forms the basis of this walkway selection. It comes with a small removable section in the middle that can take an objective instead of being simply plain. This means you can set an objective up on higher ground which should be awesome to fight over.
But how do you get up onto these octagon sections? Well that's where the stairs and walkway bridges come in connecting these pieces of higher ground. The walls of the octagon can be taken away so you are able to place either of the above options alongside it instead. I love the idea of fighting on some stairs and either rushing up or down them using the railings for cover as bullets ping off it. Very cinematic.
Do you fancy picking up some more Infinity terrain from Warsenal?
Let us know below!
Now those are some good looking scifi terrain pieces.
What worries me is that , if I bought from Warsenal , are they compatible in thinckness of MDF and edging to a peice say from warmill.
Maybe too many suppliers isnt a good thing.
Fantastic terrain, and that bunker in the middle picture looks like a nice add-on
Nice walkways Will be ordering next Wednesday