Community Spotlight: A Fiery Dropzone Army, Campaign Ready Infinity & Snarling Minotaurs

May 26, 2017 by crew

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We're delving back into the hobby world with another dip into the Hobby & Painting Forum as we look at more of your projects. We've got some excellent ones to check out this week...

...and we're starting things off with this amazing Dropzone Commander army.

PHR Army by nodri

This force has been painted up over a few months and it's looking utterly fantastic. Not only is the painting on the actual army good but the work that's gone into the basing is astounding!

PHR Army #1 by nodri

nodri has actually broken down the collection into their individual items and posted close-ups of each of them so we can get a better look at the scheme. For example here we have the Apollo and the Hades.

PHR Army #2 by nodri

PHR Army #3 by nodri

We really like the maroon red which has been used as the base here whilst the bright orange serves as a nice accent colour. This then means that it doesn't clash too much when you see it against the lava bases.

The infantry really are something special too when you get a look at the Valkryies here. Each individual model has been positioned so that they make sense in the context of the base.

PHR Army #4 by nodri

It looks great when you combine them all as part of a larger base too. We've talked about the lava bases and nodri has actually put together a bit of a tutorial on that over on the thread for this project. We recommend heading over and following along with it.

It's nice to see the PHR done in a different way and this certainly shows that it works!

Haqqislam Squad by nightrunner

With Strike Zone: Wotan just around for corner for Infinity some of you in the community are getting your squads ready to join the fighting. nightrunner has been doing just that with his Haqqislam squad here.

Haqqislam Squad by nightrunner

As well as some fantastic painting on his Djanbazan here which works with the familiar themes of Haqqislam he's gone for the more Sci-Fi bases thanks to Antenocitis' Workshop. The brass markers around the base also help add to the level of awesomeness around this project.

The cream armour that he's done here works nicely against the darker tones that have been used for the wraps and headscarves. We particularly like the lady with the red hair in the middle as the highlighting on that looks great.

Minotaurs by martin45

We finish with a dose of Fantasy to quell this surge of Sci-Fi. martin45 has been painting up a set of the Minotaurs from Mierce Miniatures, ready and raring for battle.

Mierce Minotaurs #1 by martin45

It was good to see these Minotaurs pop up as they really showed off what you can do with bases to frame a model nicely. Using the stones and the addition of the colourful basing materials it has worked to bring up the darker armour and clothing of the Minotaurs. It also works nicely with the cool blue which runs throughout the unit.

A lot of attention has gone into the faces and they've really come out nicely, showing them howling and roaring, ready to start killing!

Show Us Your Stuff!

We’ve been blown away by the work from the community once again and would love to see your work in the Hobby & Painting Forum.

All you have to do is head over to the forum linked above and start your own topic to start posting your work. It’s simple to upload photos of your work-in-progress and finished projects and we like seeing the process unfold.

We also don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran. Everything you folks do inspires us to keep at it with our hobby and we have a wonderful community who like to get involved and share techniques.

What do you think of our entries to the hall of fame this week

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