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Strange Aeons Set to Release Crypt of Cthulhu


Strange Aeons are set to release a Cthuloid piece of terrain this August. The Crypt of Cthulhu.

Happy 30th Birthday Cthulhu


2011 marks the 30th anniversary of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game! Ah happy years. You remember that time when you were attacked by monsters and went insane?

Fantasy Flight Bring On The Season Of The Witch


Fantasy Flight have released a new Print-on-Demand expansion for Mansions of Madness, its time for the Season of the Witch!

Fantasy Flight Announce New Cthulhu Dice Game


From the twisted minds which first brought forth Arkham Horror comes a new Cthulhu based game of supernatural intrigue and terror, Elder Sign!

New Pulp Heroes and Villains


Pulp Miniatures are a great company who create some fantastic sculpts suitable for all sorts of games, from Call of Cthulhu and horror, to Weird World War 2 and two-fisted pulp action.

Firedragon Games Unleash the Spawn of the Pit


The people over at Firedragon Games have been busy with new releases, ranging from terrain to creatures of unimaginable horror.

Join the Foreign Legion my Boy!


Artizan Miniatures has just launched a new range of Foreign Legionaires... just right for those 28mm desert battles.

Dread Cthulhu is coming soon to an iPhone near you!


Red Wasp Design in partnership with Chaosium will be launching a brand new iPhone (and Android) adventure set in the gas-ravaged battlefields of World War I... Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land.

Bringing You a Land Shaped by the Hands of Cthulhu


Cthulhuminati make their first step on the road of bringing you a world shaped by Cthulhu's mighty hand (or should that be claw? Tentacle?) with the release of their first piece of Lovecraftian terrain. Behold the Living Icon! I really […]

Firedragon Games Unleash Spawn of The Pit


As Demon Spawn goes, this is DISGUSTING! Exactly what you want ;)

Pulp Extravaganza


Pulp Miniatures is a fantastic manufacturer, who creates come of the most characterful miniature on the market. Check out some of their new range of Highland Infantry and some choice examples of the rest of their range.

Mansions of Madness


Creepy mansions... mysteries and Great Cthulhu!!! Check out this atmospheric boardgame release from Fantasy Fight Studio...

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