Grab Your Plastic Citizens Of Rome From Wargames Atlantic

April 15, 2024 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic have now made their Citizens Of Rome plastic set for Gangs Of Rome available to buy. If you're looking to get some angry citizens for your Ancient wargames, this new 28mm Historical set comes with thirty of the blighters!

Citizens Of Rome - Wargames Atlantic

Citizens Of Rome // Wargames Atlantic

The set features thirty hard-plastic miniatures that can be assembled to represent Gang Fighters in Gangs Of Rome but also civilians who have got caught up in the madness on the streets. You can arm your mob with swords, daggers, spears, pilum, bows, slings, clubs and shields as well as walking sticks and amphora.

Citizens Of Rome Examples #1 - Wargames Atlantic

Citizens Of Rome - Examples // Wargames Atlantic

Rob Macfarlane sculpted up this set and has done a superb job on the miniatures throughout. It should be noted that the cobblestone bases that you see in the set don't come with the plastic kit but you could easily get your hands on these elsewhere.

Citizens Of Rome Examples #2 - Wargames Atlantic

Citizens Of Rome - Examples // Wargames Atlantic

As well as being useful to represent your characters in Gangs Of Rome, these miniatures would be good for those looking to play larger games as well. As mentioned by Wargames Atlantic, you could see these being useful for any battles during The Spartacus Revolt.

Citizens Of Rome Sprue - Wargames Atlantic

Citizens Of Rome Sprue // Wargames Atlantic

Packed with plenty of options, this is a great set that I think a lot of folks are going to pick up even if they don't play Gangs Of Rome. I could see a lot of people having fun working on this kit and coming up with all manner of interesting combinations for their characters.

Could you be tempted by this Citizens Of Rome plastic set?

" could see these being useful for any battles during The Spartacus Revolt"

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