Watch Over Infantry With The BTR82a From Spectre Miniatures
January 14, 2019 by brennon
Spectre Miniatures has been showing off another new vehicle addition to the roster. Here we have the BTR82a which comes with a rather hefty looking gun on the top for watching over infantry as it moves forward.
This particular vehicle was the replacement put into service by the Russians. It has a crew of three and a capacity of seven in the back. As mentioned above, the automatic cannon on the top is a big piece of kit, scaring all but the most daring away.
I think that this would be useful for situations like you can see above. For example, drop this into a situation where your soldiers are storming a compound, or having to move through a largely urban landscape where ambushes could be coming from anywhere.
What do you make of the kit?
"...the automatic cannon on the top is a big piece of kit, scaring all but the most daring away"
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That looks really good.
I likey.
Impressive. I still like to old btr 60….something about it just makes it look so cool. If I could have and drive a real one the traffic commute would be easy.