New Blood & Plunder Resin Miniatures From Firelock Games!

December 19, 2023 by brennon

Firelock Games have released their new range of resin miniatures for use in their piratical Historical adventures on the tabletop. A new range of Blood & Plunder miniatures are available for you to snap up so you can build some new crews for your next raid.

New Resin Miniatures - Blood & Plunder

New Resin Miniatures // Blood & Plunder

This new set of resin miniatures has been designed to match the metal that Firelock already produce but at a more affordable level. As you can see, the detail doesn't look any less impressive on the production miniatures (above) and it's nice for there to be another option for wargamers to play around with.

French Buccaneer Commander - Blood & Plunder

French Buccaneer Commander // Blood & Plunder

Whilst there is only a relatively small collection of resin miniatures available at the moment, the idea is that there will be a conversion of the entire metal range. The current range of metal models will remain in production and be available through various retailers and on the Firelock Games website. It's an interesting development if it means that you get the same detail but at a fraction of the cost. I know a lot of people really love metal miniatures though and so it's good to see they will remain in some capacity.

Marins Unit - Blood & Plunder

Marins Unit // Blood & Plunder

The proof will be in the pudding and that's why Firelock is including a free exclusive French Flibustier with every order over $50 so that you can see the quality for yourself. Make sure to go and have a peek through the current range of resin offerings to see if they take your fancy.

New Releases

Talking of new miniatures, there are some neat new releases for you to check out amongst the ranks of the French.

New Releases - Blood & Plunder

New Releases // Blood & Plunder

If you're looking to dive deeper into Fire On The Frontier then you might want to check out the new miniatures for Pierre Lemoyne D'iberville and the Compagnies Franches De La Marine Unit.

Pierre Lemoyne d iberville - Blood & Plunder

Pierre Lemoyne D'iberville // Blood & Plunder

This fellow led plenty of expeditions as an explorer, raider and naval commander. He was a skilled and reliable man who was very prepared for what might await him. Preparation is half the battle I would say! He was also able to kindle a "profound sense of motivation" amongst the men that he led into battle.

Talking of troops, how about these fellows?

Compagnies Franches de la Marine Unit - Blood & Plunder

Compagnies Franches De La Marine Unit // Blood & Plunder

Raised up as part of the Naval administration, these regular troops found themselves defending France's growing colonial territories. They were known for adapting their tactics to work alongside their Native American allies and would routinely use their skirmishing formations as well as ranking up in the classic European style. A good set of "bush fighters" for you to have by your side!

These new miniatures for the French are available only in resin and you can scoop them up from the Firelock Games webstore right now.

Will you be picking up some of the new Blood & Plunder resin miniatures?

"'s nice for there to be another option for wargamers to play around with"

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