Train Yourselves in Renaissance’s Dojo
April 9, 2013 by dracs
The kickstarter for Renaissance Miniature's East Asian terrain has met with a high level of success already. To celebrate another new Asian styled building is under construction, the Dragon Dojo.
I have practised some form of martial art since I was 11 and to me the word dojo means the village hall with a couple of crash mats.
This, however, is the dojo I dreamed about when I first started martial arts after watching Jackie Chan Adventures.
This building shows a great attention to detail, from the carved dragons above the door to the architectural style itself. It even has weapon racks!
Renaissance also have a new piece of Eastern weaponry for you to terrorize the enemy with. The Hwacha!
Now you can hurl 100 highly inaccurate, but nonetheless terrifying, arrows each with a black powder explosive on the end. Ancient weaponry doesn't get much cooler.
Fancy stepping into the far east by supporting the kickstarter?
Really love all the Japanese Samurai and martial arts miniature wargaming stuff thats about right now. Actually considering abandoning game systems and building forces for them in favour of creating my own Samurai display case army. Hmmm.