One of the most iconic time periods in wargamming, Napoleonic Wars continues to capture the attention of Perry Miniatures with some new releases.
We take to the Russian battlefields as the guys unbox the BT-7 Fast Tank for Bolt Action. A early war Soviet cavalry tank that could reach impressive speeds of up to 53mph.
Victrix have now released their 28mm scale plastic French Artillery Cannon set. The box allows you to make three different guns and comes with fifteen crew who can be given a variety of different options including headgear...
Warlord Games have reinforced the British with some new plastic Napoleonic Portuguese Infantry. If you're looking for additional models to use in Black Powder then these might give you a break from all the red and white...
Warlord Games have made an exclusive miniature for Historicon 2015 which is happening this weekend. Not only will it be available there at the event but also online but only for the next few days. See what you think of Defend A Hopeless Position, inspired by the film Waterloo... has brought back to life the old Napoleonic War line of miniatures from the 1980's in time for the 200th anniversary of Waterloo.
Perry Miniatures has some lovely British Cavalry in plastic, hot off the press. They have put a few together to show off and they will be available at the end of the month.
If you're looking for something to add to your growing Waterloo collection for Black Powder by Warlord Games then you can pick up some more Prussians. The first is the High Command set followed by the Jagers who will be doing a bit of hunting...
John is back in his comfort zone as we take a look at the German StuG G Platoon for Flames of War. A box set of five tanks which can be built to either a early or late war design.
Oniria Miniatures have added some more support to the commemoration of The Battle of Waterloo over the past few days with a diorama set called Merde. If you know your French then you might be familiar with the word. See what you think of it...
Read through the entire of The Battle of Waterloo as it happened with a rather awesome 'live feed' that The Telegraph put together detailing how it all played out. It's a fascinating read!
Warlord Games are commemorating the Battle of Waterloo with a whole bunch of Bundles which you can check out below and an array of Articles taking you through the history of the battle. Maybe you'll find something neat to pick up among the mass of plastic and metal!
If you're interested in the Battle of Waterloo, one of the most defining moments in the Napoelonic era and indeed History then you can download a Waterloo Special by Wargames Illustrated which contains a host of articles focused on the event...
If you're looking for a force to match the French cavalry at Waterloo then see what you think of the Perry Miniatures' British Light Dragoons that are on pre-order now for sale at the end of June.
If you're looking for a tough unit to ride into battle with for your Macedonian army led by Alexander the Great then you can't go too far wrong with the Companion Cavalry from Warlord Games for Hail Caesar...
Warlord Games is celebrating the 200th anniversary of Waterloo with specials for the rest of June.
We're back with The Weekender after another busy week of getting things ready for the impending Boot Camp and more. However, we've also had time to delve into other parts of the hobby!
River Horse are powering on with the Waterloo - Quelle Affaire Kickstarter and have teamed up with Mitches Military Models to provide a series of three busts that you could add to your pledge...
Victrix have given us another look at the rather awesome looking Ancient Spanish miniatures that will be coming soon from them in a range of different boxed sets. This new render shows a variety of their options...
If you're looking for the best soldiers to run in your Napoleonic French force then look no further than the Old Guard Grenadiers that have just popped up for Black Powder by Warlord Games...
Waterloo - Quelle Affaire is a new board game from Alessio Cavatore and River Horse allowing you to fight out one of the most iconic battles in history in a fast paced and hex based setting on the tabletop.
Justin and John unbox an influential and innovative tank design in the form of the Soviet Army's T34/76 Medium Tank Plastic Boxed Set for Warlord Games' Bolt Action.
Victrix have shown off some of the final renders that will soon become models for their Napoleonic Range. This French Artillery comes in two flavours with both an 1804-1812 option and one for 1812-1815 too. See what you think of the characterful crews below...
Perry Miniatures have shown off what's on the workbench and this time it's Napoleonic British Infantry in various guises. See what you think of them...
See what your shield wall would look like if someone decided to cover it in graffiti before they went into battle. These Legionaries had a lot of spare time on their hands!
Ride into battle and do a bit of raiding with the Chasseurs à Cheval in Black Powder. A new plastic set is ready to have a look at from Warlord Games.
We sat down for a Live Hangout Chat with Alessio Cavatore of River Horse to talk about the Terminator Genisys Miniatures Game AND his new Waterloo game...
Protect your flanks with some Ancient Spanish skirmishers with a variety of different shields from Victrix. They will be reinforcing your Carthaginians in no time.
Justin and John unbox a platoon of five British Armoured Sherman tanks for Flames of War which you can build into either a Sherman V or Firefly VC.
Get yourself caught up in the moment of a decisive battle with some really cool vignettes now available from Perry Miniatures for your Napoleonic battles.
Get down into the minute detail of 6mm terrain with some amazing sets from Total Battle Miniatures. If you're looking to re-create the Napoleonic campaigns then this could be for you.
March under the command of the enigmatic Hannibal with this amazing new set of plastic miniatures from Victrix.
March into battle with the command part of the Thorakitai as Warlord Games release them for your regiments in Hail Caesar. Once again these are an interesting unit I didn't know much about! Learning is fun!
Take a trip into the desert with the likes of Laurel & Hardy and some more pulp and historical inspired figures for the Foreign Legion by Unfeasibly Miniatures!
Justin and John get romanced by the Valentine II Infantry Tank from Warlord Games for their Bolt Action games.
We jump off our tanks and trudge ahead on foot armed with our STG44s as we march alongside a German Veteran Grenadier Squad for Bolt Action.
Justin and John take a look at a plastic Panzer IV kit for Bolt Action which allows you to make one of three versions of this famous tank.
Justin, John and John's magnificent hat reminisce on their re-enactment days while taking a look at the M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer for Bolt Action from Warlord Games.
Warlord are following up on last year's Waterloo and Peninsular British plastics for Black Powder with line infantry for the Napoleonic Portuguese, the three ups of which they are now showing off.
Justin and John strap on their goggles and take to the skies to pilot the Ju87 G2 STUKA from Victrix.
Perry Miniatures may be hard at work with their sculpts for Peter Jackson's diorama, but they still have a couple of pieces for their collection of cinematic Waterloo vignettes taking shape on their workbench.
Justin and John take a look at the British 25pdr Howitzer & Limber Kit from Warlord for their Bolt Action WWII game.