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Studio Sparta Expand the Worlds Created by Spartan Games


Studio Sparta allows the Spartan Games team to show off their creativity!

The Roman Auxiliaries are Back at Warlord Games


The Roman Auxiliaries are back in force for Warlord Games.

A New Personality of the Old Regime for Tercio Creativo


Tercio Creativo welcome another personality to the world of 1650.

Gangfight Release New Blackwater Gulch Rules into the Wild West!


Blackwater Gulch becomes a deadly place to live with these new rules hanging about!

Wrap Up Warm with MaxMini’s Greatcoats


MaxMini get you suited and booted for the winter months ahead.

Tabletop-Art Light the Dungeon Fires


Tabletop-Art light the fires beneath your imagination with these new Coal Pans.

Fight in the Time of Arthur with Dux Britanniarum


Gripping Beast and Two Fat Lardies take you into the battles of Dark Age Britain.

Stronghold Take the Newspaper off to the Outhouse


Will this rather stinky terrain be making it onto your battlefield?

Perry Miniatures March the Austrians into Napoleonic War


Perry Miniatures get the Austrians ready for war in the Napoleonic era...

A Piratical Femme Fatale from Reaper Miniatures


Will you head out to sea with the current model wave from Reaper Miniatures?

Pulp Figures Head to the Dangerous Orient


Pulp Figures head off into the Orient.

Aventine’s Ancient Romans Unleash Hell


Friends, Romans, Countrymen...lend me your money to buy these miniatures!

Hired Guns and Victorian Heroes from CP Models


Do these latest offerings from CP Models Miniatures stir your wallet?

Gamecraft Miniatures Build Up the Old West


Well howdy stranger, I see your admirin' this here new buildin' from those boys over at Gamecraft.

Hail Caesar Shows How a Persian King Travels… in Style!


When it comes to leading your Persian troops to new conquests you have to lead them in style. Well why not travel in this stylish chariot?

Run Out the Guns for a Naval Warfare Kickstarter


Will you be pledging so Laser Dream Works can run out the guns?

Arthurian Warriors and Northumbrian Kings from Musketeer


Check out Dark Age and ever so slightly more modern models from Musketeer Miniatures.

3Bears Release the Hero of Troy


No doubt about it, Achilles is one of the all time great heroes of Greek mythology. Well now you can get yourself your very own copy of this Greek hero with 3bear's new limited edition Achilles sculpt.

FireForge’s Crusaders Go Forth on Foot


FireForge Games have published some WIP's for their upcoming Crusader Infantry. Because you have to get off your high horse some times.

Bushido’s New Ashigaru Junichi Sounds the Conch


What do you make of this Conch blowing Ashigaru for the world of Bushido?

Tercio Creativo Preview A New Green for their IndieGoGo Campaign


Check out the newest green from the folks at Tercio Creativo for their 1650's game.

The Neo-Hittites Join the Battles of Hail Caesar


Since Warlord acquired Immortal Miniatures they have been bringing us all the great miniatures they had for your historical gaming. However, now we are moving into those unreleased minis who have not yet seen the light of day. Check out these new Neo-Hittite troops.

The Gangs Are Painted Up for a Blackwatch Gulch Showdown


Blackwater Gulch plays host to a number of new painted miniatures. Check them out!

Knuckleduster Get Ready for More Stateside Wargaming


Will these American soldiers make it into your wargaming battalions?

Own the Entire Era of Hail Caesar with new Warlord Rules Deals


Will this new rules deal get you interested in Hail Caesar from Warlord Games?

Pre-Orders for Zenit Miniatures Kensei Begin


Zenit Miniatures start accepting Pre-Orders for their new Samurai game, Kensei!

Feel at Home in Tabletop World’s Cottage


Make a house a home with Tabletop World's latest Cottage.

Eureka Sound the Charge of the French Dragoons


Eureka Miniatures sound a rather gun-less charge of the heavy cavalry.

Victrix Get All the Ancient Greek States Ready for War


Victrix kit out the other Greek City States for war!

Get the Militia Ready for War with Victoria Miniatures


A whole host of new Bitz arrive from Victoria Miniatures.

Conquest Games Get Ready for a Norman Invasion


How do you like the way the Norman Infantry from Conquest Games is showing up?

Watch your Coin Purse with Tercio Creativo’s Rogue About


Tercio Creativo unleash a Rogue onto the streets of Spain.

More Rootin’ Tootin’ Reinforcements for Blackwater Gulch


Blackwater Gulch gets a few more vigilantes.

Lead the Arameans and Chaldeans in Hail Caesar


Warlord have just released a new command set to help lead your units of Aramean or Chaldean spearmen in games of Hail Caesar.

Warlord Shout “For King and Country!” with Pike & Shotte


Pike & Shotte gets the starter set treatment, For King & Country!

The Conquest of Gaul Begins with Warlord Games


It's time to go to war against the Gauls with Hail Caesar from Warlord Games.

Tsuba’s Russian Officers Urge the War Effort Onwards


Will you follow these officers into battle with Tsuba Miniatures?

Vigilance is Key in Blackwater Gulch


It's almost time for the showdown at Noon in Blackwater Gulch.

Learn the Way of the Samurai with Kensei & Zenit Miniatures


Zenit Miniatures branch out with a new Samurai Wargame, Kensei.

Painting Non-Metallic Metal… Part 3


Romain adds the final non-metallic details to his 1650 model, by painting gold and brass, along with a glimmering silver sword.

On the Table S4 Ep10…Win Dwarf King’s Hold: Green Menace!


This time we delve into the awesome world of MERCS, fight against Alien Invasions from Defiance Games & check out some absolutely outstanding terrain from Terraclips.

Highlander Declare a Jolly Old Punch Up


Highlander Studios have some new 15mm sculpts for those seedy back alley brawls of Victorian England. Just remember, no hitting below the mustache.

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