The Depot: Checking Out The Americans From GF9’s Tanks

March 25, 2016 by brennon

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Last but not least we're looking at what the Americans are bringing to Gale Force Nine's Tanks: WWII Skirmish Game. They might not have as many tanks as the other factions but they have some rather iconic ones for you to enjoy...


These American Tanks from The Depot are going to be available in April 2016 to follow on from the release of the main Starter Set.

Pershing Expansion

Taking to the stage for the Americans first we have the Pershing which also comes with the options to make it into a Super Pershing. In the true American spirit it seems like they liked to go big and explosive...


"Built with firepower, mobility, and protection in mind the Pershing was the U.S. army’s first operational heavy tank. The Super Pershing boasted an even bigger gun and additional armour plates that let it go toe-to-toe with the German Tiger heavy tanks."


Super Pershing

These tanks are big and tough with some of the most armour and 'health' in the game. They are also exceptionally expensive points-wise meaning that you won't be fielding a lot of them when they take to the tabletop.

Sherman Expansion

Now we have one of the most well known tanks of World War II. If you mentioned the name Sherman then I think most people would know what you were talking about. The expansion allows you to make a 76mm and 75mm variant of the tank.


"The M4 Sherman is the iconic American tank of World War II. Serving from the deserts of North Africa to the forests of Germany, they were present in every theater of the war. Their reliable and cheap construction gave them a numerical advantage in combat and they were distributed to other nations armies by the thousand."



All of the American tanks come with the Gung Ho rule which allows them to be that little more accurate when it comes to rushing forward and blasting apart the enemy. They are still rather expensive in terms of points but they more than make up for it elsewhere.

As before, you won't be running many of these American tanks, but you will certainly have a lot of firepower to deal with.

Will you be flying the stars and stripes in Tanks?

"The Super Pershing boasted an even bigger gun and additional armor plates that let it go toe-to-toe with the German Tiger heavy tanks..."

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"The M4 Sherman is the iconic American tank of World War II. Serving from the deserts of North Africa to the forests of Germany, they were present in every theater of the war..."

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