New Warhammer: Age Of Sigmar Soul Wars Boxed Set Announced + More!

June 5, 2018 by brennon

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Games Workshop continues to spoil us with new model previews for Age Of Sigmar as they introduced the new Boxed Set for the game and 2nd Edition, Soul Wars. Here is a look inside the box...

Soul Wars Main

The set will come with large forces for both the Stormcast Eternals and their new Sacroscant Chamber as well as the Nighthaunt from the Grand Alliance of Death. The team actually did a rundown of what you get in each set...

Soul Wars (Stormcast)

You get a whole bunch of new troops to use in your army as well as monstrous beasts, specialised elite units and of course characters to lead the way. The new 'holy' aesthetic for the Stormcast Eternals is very cool and very much pushes us towards the idea of Sigmar's faithful. Maybe this also means we'll learn more of the Unforged in the future too...

Here is the Nighthaunt set...

Soul Wars (Nighthaunt) - Age Of Sigmar

A superb range of new models which should be amazingly easy to paint. It shouldn't take a lot to be able to crack out some of the new paints that Games Workshop have been working on and get this army ready for the tabletop!

Push-Fit Warriors

Keeping with the idea of new models we were also told that we would get some new Push-Fit kits for both sets which will be useful for reinforcement purposes...and giving you a chance to try before you delve in fully.

Sequitors - Soul Wars

This set above gives you a look at the new Sequitors, and check out that amazing female leader for the unit! It's awesome seeing so many more female faces amongst the Stormcast Eternal ranks.

The Castigators are your ranged options and, as you can see, this gives you a great new way to develop some very scenic looking units.

Castigators = Soul Wars

The Nighthaunt also get some options so you can test out paint schemes. Here we have the Glaivewraiths...

Glaivewraiths - Soul Wars

...and the stunning Banshees. I really LOVE these models, and it would be amazing seeing a diorama of these rising up to clash with ambushed foes in the midst of a graveyard.

Banshees - Soul Wars

There is a lot to look forward to when it comes to delving deep into both the Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt forces. However, that's not all you have to look forward to.

Books & More

The first thing to note is that of course, we get a new Age Of Sigmar Rulebook...

Age Of Sigmar Core Book

...and we also get a new General's Handbook. The Core Book contains all that you need rule-wise to play the game AND gives you ways to delve into the fluff too. You will also get yourself, as mentioned before, ways to get your points and tournament-style play on the tabletop.

Age Of Sigmar General's Handbook

The Soul Wars box also comes with some very nice Unit Cards which you can refer to during your games instead of flipping through a rulebook. I hope that this trend continues beyond just the main box and we start seeing these included as part of packs in the future.

Soul Wars Warscrolls - Age Of Sigmar

Last but not least we have the Malign Sorceries set which not only delves into how magic works in this new edition but also offers up some amazing new spell effects too!

Age Of Sigmar Malign Sorcery

I'm fairly sure that the new Age Of Sigmar is going to be the most cinematic looking version of the game yet.

Spell Effects - Age Of Sigmar

There is a bit more for you to check out over on the Warhammer Community website as they delve deeper into what you've seen here. But, so far, I think we're on track for an awesome new edition of the game.

What do you think?

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