New Stormcast Eternals Heroes For Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

August 29, 2024 by brennon

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Following hot on the heels of the Skaven revealed for the new edition of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, the Stormcast Eternals are going to be getting some reinforcements who will be joining forces to take down the Skaven menace now swarming over The Mortal Realms via Games Workshop.

Iridan the Witness - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Iridan the Witness // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

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Leading the way, we have Iridan the Witness, a Stormcast Eternal who was the first to kill one of their comrades. Iridan put their Stormcast Eternal companion out of their misery as they were becoming lost to the storm and whilst originally, Sigmar was not best pleased, he came to form the rank of Lord-Terminos as part of the Ruination Chamber knowing that it was a kindness for those currently on the edge.

Iridan the Witness Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Iridan the Witness (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Iridan the Witness rides into battle on the back of a Morrgryph Ariax and as part of Ionus Cryptborn's new band of Stormcast Eternals, watches over Ruination Chamber armies who are fighting on the forefront of the war against the deadliest foes.

An awesome miniature that comes dripping with Grimdark details and should be a fun addition to themed armies that are really focusing on the Ruination Chamber. This kit also makes the standard Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph which can be upgraded from the on-foot version we saw in Skaventide.

Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord-Vigilant on Morrgryph // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Once again, an impressive miniature on a fun mount. I'm not sure about the spear as a weapon of choice but it makes sense for a mounted commander to have a weapon with reach. I think it looks a little bit awkward but it does the job.

Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord Vigilant on Morrgryph (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

It's nice to see that the Lord Vigilant miniature offers a dynamic alternative to the character mount as well. It's cool how different the miniature looks with just a change of head and the more animated screeching face.

Reforged Commanders

Moving on from those mounted Reclusian miniatures for the Stormcast Eternals, we also have some reforged and updated miniatures for you to throw into the mix alongside your foot troops. A new Lord-Celestant kit is coming now in Thunderstrike armour.

Lord-Celestant - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord-Celestant // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The new Lord-Celestant miniature comes with different head and weapon options so you can build the character you want. It also means you can add three of them into your army if you desire and they'd all look different enough. I quite like the shield and hammer option although the dual weapons version is also cool.

The classic Lord-Relictor miniature has also seen an update to Thunderstrike armour, replacing the old Ionus Cryptborn miniature that led the way since the inception of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar.

Lord-Relictor - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord-Relictor // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

I really like this miniature. The hammer is ultra badass and I like all of the Grimdark details across the figure. You could also switch out that banner for a Bolter and you'd have a great Chaplain. I think I'd do the hood version for the miniature to keep the vibe going but paint the skull a darker bone colour rather than the vibrant white that they have here.

Alternative miniatures are also being made available for some of the units that were first released in the Skaventide boxed set. For example, the Lord-Terminos gets a new sculpt with a couple of different weapon options.

New Lord Terminos - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

New Lord-Terminos // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

I like the new post, especially with the sword which would work as a point of difference. The new Memorian is also a good addition and fun to see. If you're looking to run a Ruination Chamber-themed army then you're going to want the Lord-Terminos in the mix to help bolster the fighting potential of your Reclusians.

Reforged Troops

Talking of Reclusians, you can also get your hands on a new set of sculpts for your Reclusians.

New Reclusians - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

New Reclusians // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

These are your elite warriors who find themselves on the edge of sanity. Kept linked to The Mortal Realms by their Memorians, they march forth into the deadliest battles with the Lord-Terminos and others watching over them. This kit comes with new poses for your Reclusians as well as new weapon options.

New Reclusians Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

New Reclusians (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The set also comes with these maces (above) which might be an alternative weapon option for your Reclusians and therefore a new warscroll. We shall have to wait and see.

Cavalry is also going to be charging into battle with these new Thunderstrike armoured Stormstrike Palladors.

Stormstrike Palladors - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Stormstrike Palladors // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

These fellows ride into battle atop their mounts as the front lines are held by the rest of the Warrior Chamber. The Stormstrike Palladors then charge in and rout the enemy with a lightning-quick charge.

These miniatures didn't really need that much of an upgrade from the previous one but it's good to see more Thunderstrike armoured miniatures in the range to help bulk it out and keep the design the same across an army.

New Terrain Feature

There is also a brand new terrain feature for those wanting to theme a battlefield for their Stormcast Eternals.

Stormreach Portal - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Stormreach Portal // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

I'm not sure I like this. It feels to blocky and doesn't match up to the old Realmgates that Games Workshop made when the game was first released. The idea is that these work as ways to march reinforcements to different parts of the battlefield quickly. I'm not sure I'll be getting one.

New Battletome

All of these miniatures will feature as part of the new Order Battletome for the Stormcast Eternals which will be coming out later this year.

Order Battletome Stormcast Eternals - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Order Battletome: Stormcast Eternals // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

There will be the standard Battletome but also the Gamer's Edition which also comes with the cards for your Stormcast Eternal rules and the Warscrolls for the rest of your army. More details will be revealed on these battletomes and the changes to them soon.

Order Battletome Stormcast Eternals - Gamers Edition - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Gamer's Edition // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Last but not least, all of the Skaventide miniatures will see separate releases alongside the Stormcovern who were originally a Warhammer Underworlds warband. It's fun that they are getting added into the mix with their crackpot designs.

So, that's all of the new Stormcast Eternals for the moment coming to support the army in Warhammer Age Of Sigmar!

What do you think?

"Leading the way, we have Iridan the Witness..."

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