Forge World’s Knights Of Dol Amroth Battle Sauron’s Forces

September 24, 2018 by brennon

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The Knights Of Dol Amroth that we'd been showing off in previews a few months ago are now available to pre-order from the Forge World website.

Knights Of Dol Amroth - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

The set comes with a number of regular Knights Of Dol Amroth clad in their heavy armour; using swords and shields. You also get some Command models in the set with a Banner Bearer, Musician and Champion who would make great warband leaders.

Knights Of Dol Amroth (Close) - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

I do really like the sculpts here and it's great to see more coming out for those who love Games Workshop's Middle-earth Strategy Battle Games. I think the painting on the faces here doesn't really do them justice but when you look at the plain resin models they do seem very detailed and not quite so 'over-the-top'.

If you're looking for an elite fighting force to use in Battle Companies or perhaps as part of a larger Gondorian force, these would be a good shout.

Are you tempted by these new models?

"If you're looking for an elite fighting force to use in Battle Companies or perhaps as part of a larger Gondorian force, these would be a good shout..."

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