Wrath of Kings
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Get stuck into another episode of Cult Of Games XLBS where we're talking hobby and why all Orks/Orcs have to be the butt of the joke in our tabletop games!
We're back for another Cult Of Games XLBS where Ben, Gerry and Lloyd are venturing into the topic of extinct games which should maybe be given a chance to return to life!
Hobby chatter and Christmas gift ideas!
Wrath Of Kings may have had a slight delay on releases recently but they have some fun things coming your way with new Union Bombadiers coming for Teknes and more.
In this episode, Bryan is favouring the key movement strategy of his faction to expect Victory points later in the game.
Today we're learning about manipulating motivations in Wrath of Kings!
It's time for us to learn more about Wrath Of Kings as we we delve into how to break the enemy morale and chase them from the tabletop.
We dive back into the world of Wrath Of Kings.
We now head Backstage on our XLBS show for Wrath Of Kings to find out about the ways you'd approach activations in much larger games.
The world of Wrath of Kings get some new warriors this month as we look to the Goritsi and the Nasier this time around.
We're back for some more tactics and tips. In this episode Justin is learning about using his Ravenscar Mercenaries at their best.
Today Justin is joined by Bryan as they look at how to play to the strengths of a horde-style army in Wrath Of Kings.
Welcome Backstage to Unleashing Wrath Of Kings where we now learn from Bryan how to hold your own as a small, elite force on the tabletop.
Join us to talk about the new 4Ground Miniatures Game AND some big Games Workshop news too!
DiaCash UK is going to be bringing both Wrath Of Kings and Dark Age to the shores of dear old Blighty as they have sealed a deal to start work on it this year!
CMoN have released information for the latest releases for Wrath of Kings.
We delve back into the realm of Hobby & Painting.
The Wrath Of Kings releases for February have popped up on their webstore as both Teknes and Nasier are getting support on the battlefield. First off we have the Nasier Character Box.
Justin sits down with Dave Taylor from Cool Mini Or Not to learn how to build a Wrath of Kings faction ready for battle regardless of whether it's a Patrol, Skirmish or Battle sized army.
See how things wrap up as we finish work on the Longhorn from the Nasier faction in Wrath of Kings.
We open up Wrath of Kings' second book Rising Conflicts to discover what miniatures are coming to the game in the near future from terrors of the deep to mystical avatars, flying pig-men and much more besides.
We continue to explore painting the Longhorn from the Nasier faction in Wrath of Kings.
It's time to visit Wrath of Kings nation of Felskar to find out more about the technology focused faction which takes a more socialist approach to ruling than the other nation in Arikania, the House of Teknes.
We have reached that stage of Wrath of Kings Week where it is time for us to seek enlightenment. To do that we take a trip to the nation of Achrion to visit the House of Shael Han.
Join us for an epic painting tutorial this week as we show off how to paint up the Longhorn of the Nasier from Wrath of Kings.
For this Wrath of Kings faction chat we descend below the oceans of Arikania to visit the Deepmen of House Hadross, the most defensive army in the game.
It's time to visit the largest nation in the Wrath of Kings continent, Kartoresh where we will discover the mask wielding warriors of the House of Nasier.
The first of our Wrath of Kings faction chats takes a look at Telloria's beastly warriors, creatures and mercenaries that make up House Goritsi.
We kick off our Wrath of Kings week with Dave Taylor and Bryan Steele of Cool Mini Or Not introducing us to the five kingdoms of Arikania and the factions that vie for power within them.
We've got a packed show for you today with loads of awesomeness including giving away some brilliant prizes AND giving you a look ahead to more too!
Coming Monday 30th January we're going to be delving into the exciting world of Wrath of Kings as we explore the factions, background and more.
Wrath Of Kings is continuing to produce a number of amazing miniatures including some new warriors for the Shael Han. Here we have two new Celestial sets from CoolMiniOrNot.
Today we're super excited to unbox some of the amazing Wrath of Kings models from Cool MiniOr Not. To start we're looking through the Honor & Treachery Beginner Box.
4Ground's shopping mall gets us thinking survival plans whilst we talk about The UK Games Expo with the organisers and some amazing gamer swag from Cosy Dice!
Something wicked is coming from Wrath of Kings.
It's time for a jam packed Saturday morning as we have an interview with Alessio Cavatore about upcoming projects. Plus there's a chat with Tor Gaming about the progress of their C'thu Kickstarter and we get stuck into looking at some of the painting from the community...