The Laundry
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The Laundry RPG On Kickstarter! Cosmic Horror Adventures With A British Twist | Designer Interview
11 months ago 0Ben and Gerry sit down with Dave and Dom from Cubicle 7 and discuss why you need to try out the cosmic horror of The Laundry Roleplaying Game. Based on the book series, The Laundry Files, by Charles Stross, The Laundry is a fantastic roleplaying game of occult spycraft and tech-driven magic with a distinctly British sense of humour.
It's OTTWeekender time! Hail Caesar from Warlord Games is getting the Epic Battles treatment. We have a look at the brand-new plastic miniatures revealed at Salute and discuss the options for Historical wargamers diving into the Punic Wars period. There are some great new epic-scale Romans on the way alongside Carthaginians and Gauls.
You can now dive into the Kickstarter for the new edition of The Laundry Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7, based on the work by Charles Stross. Battle against cosmic horrors and other supernatural entities in this updated roleplaying game which makes use of their C7d6 system.
The Laundry Roleplaying Game is going to be returning to Kickstarter soon with a new project by Cubicle 7! Prepare for a roleplaying game of cosmic horror, computers and covert action based on The Laundry Files by Charles Stross.
Cubicle 7 are looking for new writers to join their team and help bring The Laundry back to the tabletop. This is going to be the second edition of a Lovecraftian roleplaying game of extradimensional threats and lots and lots of paperwork.