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Happy Sunday folks and welcome to The Weekender XLBS. Our focus this week is on BIG games, specifically the idea of Mega Games from all different tabletop genres...
You could WIN one of three MK III Battlegroup Boxes by commenting on the live blog!
Warren's back from honeymoon and needs catching up on the world of tabletop wargaming...
An update for the Avatar Of Menoth is on the way for the end of of May from Privateer Press. This massive cathedral on legs looks like a fantastic addition to your Warmachine army...
Are you ready for the next edition of Warmachine and Hordes? This might tempt you a little more.
Come and join us for another round of Community Painting Picks where we delve into the weird with Kingdom Death...and the monstrous creations of Warmachine & Hordes.
We're a bit knackered after Salute but we're still here to share some tabletop gaming goodness with you all!
Mr Mennes is back to join us in the studio once more with the Convergence of Cyriss from Privateer Press.
Tomas Mennes is back with us in the studio to show us Part Two of his amazing Trollblood mash-up!
Tomas Mennes has joined us in the studio to bring us an epic mashup!
Privateer Press have shown off a new miniature for the forces of Cygnar. This time they have drafted in the help of the Ogruns with their Trench Buster. This chaps looks like a proper raider for the world of Warmachine.
Privateer Press have shown off a massive load of releases that are going to be coming out over the next few months for Warmachine.
John and myself are back with another unboxing. This time we're covering a huge behemoth from Warmachine, it's the Hand of Judgement.
We kick off a fantastic new mini-series for you as Tomas Mennes has joined us in the studio to bring you three amazing tutorials showing how you take apart, join and perfectly mash-up your models.
Another day and another amazing Unboxing. This time John and myself are taking a look at Warmachine's Major Prime Victoria Haley from Privateer Press.
Privateer Press have just published a preview of Into the Wild, the upcoming sequel novel to Into the Storm set in the world of the Iron Kingdoms.
Privateer Press have previewed the rather mighty looking Thunderhead over the last few days for Warmachine and the Cygnar faction. This is like a mix between the massive Stormwall and a normal Cygnar Warjack.
If you are a Warmachine / Hordes Player you will want to make sure you are up to date with the rules changes with this errata.
Privateer Press previews an upcoming release for Warmachine, it is a shame how the mighty have fallen.
Privateer Press have added two plastic Warjacks to their Upcoming list. The Khadorian army is going to be very happy with both the Kodiak and the Grolar coming to Warmachine.
Whitemoon Dreams has recently released the 4.9 patch for Warmachine Tactics, which not only makes the game run more smoothly, but brings with it a host of improved visuals. There's even a new jack or two in the mix!
Warren sits down with Justin to go through another unboxing...of a box! We're taking a look at the Eco Box from Battle Foam.
Privateer Press have shown off some more of their miniatures for Warmachine coming out over the next few weeks. The Protectorate of Menoth, Cryx and Retribution are all getting themselves either new Warjacks or Unit ready to start blasting away foes...
Warren joins Justin to check out a limited edition Privateer Press Tournament Bag from Battle Foam perfect for transporting your armies far and wide. We've got "Khador Red" and "Cygnar Blue" to look at but which colour will the guys opt for?
Sit back and relax with us on a Sunday as we talk about converting your armies and discuss the merits of buying from Ebay as well as the profit machine that is Games Workshop... Join Backstage With a Free Trial
We have more Warmachine to unbox as the guys take a look at the Khador box set which allows you to build either the Iron Fang Pikemen or Black Dragons. When watching the video it's quite obvious early on which option John is going for...
We've been looking at loads of awesome things that happened in the tabletop world this week and announcing a new Game Designer Challenge with a focus on making a new Halloween game!
Join us on this wonderful Sunday about all things hobby related. We've been tinkering away on different projects and got surprised at new Warmachine plastics! Join Backstage To Watch!
We had a bit of a surprise here in the studio today when Justin and John unboxed the Reliant and Stormclad Warjacks from Cygnar in Warmachine and found out that Privateer Press had taken a HUGE step in offering up the components in a different way...
The rules for both Hordes and Warmachine are Now Free from Privateer Press. Copies of the core rules are available for both versions of their game with the faction specific books still available to buy online...
Privateer Press, in addition to all those new Horde miniatures, have also added a new Character Light Warjack to their collection for Warmachine. Cygnar are getting the rather well named 'Ace'...
Privateer Press are going to be bringing The Undercity along with them to Gen Con this year for demos. Above is a gameplay tutorial showing you how to begin playing the game and some of the basics and you can find a copy of the full rules to download HERE too.
Privateer Press have delved deep into their Fantastical world of Warmachine and a new terror now haunts the land of Immoren with Deneghra the Soul Weaver. See what you think of her new epic warcaster model...
Romain finishes up the work on his Convergence Heavy Vector for Warmachine. In this final part he will be showing you how to get the most out of Glow Effects and also adding those great finishing touches with a mix of airbrush techniques and pinpoint brush work.
Privateer Press have gone raiding upon the river with some Swamp Gobbers that hit their website as upcoming miniatures for Warmachine over last weekend. See what you think of these character miniatures below...
The Cephalyx are getting the mind warping Cognifex Cyphon and Cryx will be hunting for your very essence with the Soul Trappers from Privateer Press for Warmachine.