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Andy gets out the Warmachine: Wrath book, for another look at the shiny new models and stats. This time he's looking to the son's of the Motherland... Khador.
Andy takes a look at Drago, the mighty Khadoran character warjack, this big-bad-beserker is armed with twin ice axes and to put it simply is one of the coolest looking models in the entire Privateer Press range.
Andy and Vishal have a look at Durgen Madhammer and one of his great little spells called explosive and how it can help you take out those nasty paladins of the wall.
Coming soon from Privateer Press are two new plastic/resin kits... the Sentinel... and the Nightwretches.
Warmachine Wrath – Cygnar Forces
14 years ago 22Andy takes a look at the new Cygnar forces in Warmachine: Wrath...
If you've already got your hands on Wrath, then you'll have seen the Aspis. It's one of the slew of new warjacks for the Retribution of Scyrah.
You've waited and now here's the finale of Romain's Mage Hunter painting tutorial. He's going to cover, how to do some easy shading, how to do source lighting and much, much more.
Southpaw Art & Design has launched a series of useful templates for your favourite steam-powered combat game... Warmachine!
Forget Space Marines and all that guff... here's what we want... Warmachine!
As our loyal TURN 8 fans might know there were problems with Justin TV last night, we received a notice from them this morning, explaining that a "bug" had crept into the system, which required the whole system to be shut down. However, we at Beasts of War will not to be beaten by mere bugs and so we recorded TURN 8 and here it is!
We're back again to join Romain as he continues to paint the Iosian Mage Hunter Commander.
Video Sponsors: Infinity - Wayland Games Andy Has A chat about another of the heavy hitters from Khador the Marauder if you read the Forces of Warmachine Book's you'll know the background for the Maruader and all the other cool stuff that comes […]
Darrell gets his hands on one of the fantastic Battle Foam bags and gives us the vital statistics of, what looks to be, a really handy bit of kit.
I was in one of the Pressganger areas of the Privateer Press website and it seems that Privateer Press may be doing some two player starter kits for Warmachine!
Tactics For The Mighty Behemoth!!!
14 years ago 12Andy has a look at one of my favourite Warjacks, the mighty Khadoran Behemoth! If your playing Khador and dont have one of these bad boys yet, I suggest, you need to think about getting one soon!!!
Painting a Mage Hunter Commander Part One
14 years ago 34Welcome to another 3-Colours Up. This time we join Romain as he paints an Iosian Mage Hunter Commander. Enjoy!
Have a look at the new mercenary commander for Warmachine...
Tactics For The Khador Widowmakers
14 years ago 32Andy has a look at the Widowmaker's. Khador's elite units of snipers.
Andy keeps going with his rundown of the starter forces for Warmachine. This time its The Protectorate of Menoth, these fiery fighter's have a taste for defensive spells and... well... burning people at the stake!
Privateer Press are offering a brand new starter bundle for those looking to start Warmachine and Hordes. If you buy your faction starter box and the token set, Privateer Press will throw in the Prime MKII Rulebook and tape measure, along with FREE postage!
Here's one we've all been waiting for... it's the Khador Gun Carriage!
Andy has a look in to the the basic tactics for the Cygnar Battlegroup.
Here's the latest Mercenary character to come out of Privateer Press... Sylys Wyshnalyrr... try saying that after a few bevvies!
Privateer Press have put up pictures of the latest solo to grace the forces of Cygnar. Say hello to Archduke Runewood!
Have you managed to have a glance at the new Cryx warjack upgrade? If not... here it is.. EREBUS!
I've been looking forward to this one... and I'm glad to see my prediction was correct... the Gallant is the allied Warjack, armed with a sword and shield!
All you Cygnar players better thank me that I managed to snag this off the Privateer Press website, before it collapsed under the assault of rabid fanboys wanting to see the latest Wrath Warcaster!
Warmachine & Hordes are going Apocalypse scale... good or bad?
The Blood of Martyrs is the latest Menoth upgrade kit from Privateer Press that allows you to transform your resin heavy into a multi-bladed killing machine!
A Daughters of the Flame warcaster... oh go on then, if you insist!
A Warcaster who can warp time and reality... that's not going to be an advantage! Check out the new Lord Arcanist Ossyan from Privateer Press.
Andy and Vishal sit down and show us another little tactic for the Cygnar faction of Warmachine.
Andy and vishal sit down to talk about a nasty tactic for the Protectorate of Menoth, but how would you stop it happening to you?
Here's the first image of Wrath's Cryx Warcaster... Lord Scaverous!
Here's what my brother and his Khador playing crew have been waiting for... news on the new Khador Warcaster who'll be making his debut in Wrath... Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf!
We just looked at Kommander Harkevich this morning and now here's his personal warjack... Black Ivan!
Andy and Vishal have a look at getting around the polariyt shield on a centurion.
Take a look at this... it seems the angry Elves of the Retribution of Scyrah will be getting their (much anticipated) artillery unit in the upcoming Wrath rulebook.
Andy and Vishal have a chat about What Warjack they would Run With a Journeyman Warcaster.
Wrath Cover Art & Wraith Engine
14 years ago 4Roll up... roll up and see the cover for the new Warmachine rulebook from Privateer Press!
New Releases from Privateer Press
14 years ago 8The images for the next Warmachine and Hordes releases are out... take a look and see what you think.
Just a tiny taste of the cover art from the Wrath rulebook from Privateer Press.