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New Light Warjack - The Minuteman - from Privateer Press.
Sea Dogs & Exemplar Errants for Warmachine from Privateer Press.
Privateer Press have a new miniature coming soon for the Cryx faction in Warmachine, the Iron Lych Overseer.
Here's the final episode of Roman's epic Warjack painting tutorial... enjoy!
Check out the next part of Romain's Warjack painting tutorial.
Check out the latest warjack upgrade kit for the Mercenary faction of Warmachine.
Privateer Press have unveiled the latest Warjack to be joining the ranks of the Retribution of Scyrah, the heavy Myrmidons!
It's time to return to Romain and his ongoing Warjack tutorial. Today he finishes off the main parts of the metals.
If you're a fan of the Man-O-War from Khador, then take a look at the new Battle Mechanik Officer from Privateer Press!
Here's the second part of Romain's series of painting a Cygnar Ironclad.
Andy and Darrell discuss what they think you should add to your Cryx Starter box after you've played a few games.
Just in time for the holidays, the guys at Privateer Press have released 35pt bundles to get you started with your favourite faction of Warmachine & Hordes.
Romain treats us to another series of 3 Colours Up painting videos, this time he's going to paint a Cyganr Ironclad from Warmachine.
New Kayazy Eliminators for Khador from Privateer Press.
Today, Privateer Press have launched a trio of eagerly anticipated models, including something of a surprise for long term fans!
Love them or loath them... Cygnar gets one of the best solos in the game... the Journeyman Warcaster. Andy tells us about this most useful of 3 point models.
Andy & Darrell chat about how a new player would go about expanding their Cygnar force using the Battlebox as a starting point.
As the final build from the Warmachine 2-player starter box, Andy assembles the leader of the Exemplar Cinerators unit from the Protectorate of Menoth.
Now with Restored Footage!
Following on from the last build video, Andy has a bash at building one of the Menoth Heavy Warjacks from the new Warmachine 2-Player Starter Box.
Privateer Press have just announced the release of the brand new set of plastic-resin Demo Corps for the Khador faction of Warmachine.
You heard it right, Privateer Press have commissioned Arty Fakes Props Ltd, to produce a range of Warmachine replica weapons in latex foam! The first weapon to be produces will (of course) be Coleman Stryker's trademark sword Quicksilver. Here's an […]
Andy builds the new plastic-resin Man-O-War Shocktrooper Leader from the recent Warmachine 2 Player Starter Box.
strong>Advanced Deployment have created two new templates for their Steam-Powered Combat range... the Purge Template and the Water Template.
Andy gets out his super glue and has a go at building a Khador Juggernaut with a cool action pose.
Andy has a go at building the Warcasters from the new 2 player starter box.
Privateer Press have some new objective markers for Warmachine.
It's one of those annoying little things that can happen the odd time when your working with resin, you've just have a nice new box of mini's, but one peace is bent. Today Andy will shows us how to fix it.
Time for something thats going to rock your world! As Andy takes a look at the new 2 player starter box for Warmachine.
Stay Tuned this Week As Andy builds some of the contents
Here's the latest pictures of the Man-O-War Bombardiers for the Khador faction of Warmachine.
Andy checks out the new Cygnar Battle Engine... the Storm Strider!
In today's Daily Tip, Andy and Vishal discuss the wisdom of letting your warjack go swimming.
Andy takes a look at the Arcantric Force Generator, one of the new Battle Engines for Warmachine.
In today’s Daily Tip, Vishal and Andy take a look at slamming your opponent‘s Warjacks, and how this can be put to best effect.
Adam gets chatting to the Privateer Press guys about what’s new at Gen Con for Hordes, Warmachine, Voltron, Bodgers & their hush-hush project with Level 7.
Join Andy as he takes a look at what's in the box of the Warmachine Menoth Battlegroup... see as he explores the forces of the Iron Kingdoms mightiest and most fearsome religion... we might even see a few heretics burn!
Join Andy as he breaks open the Cygnar Battlegroup box, takes a look at what's inside, then gives a few hints and tips on playing the models in a game... after he first get all sticky putting them together!
If you're an old fan of the Iron Kingdoms, you'll remember the old D20 Iron Kingdoms roleplaying game. Fast forward to today and the new IKRPG is currently being worked on. Want proof? Here's the cover!
Andy contines to look at the starter set for Warmachine this time zeroing in on the Cryx Battlegroup and has come to appreciate the Caster in this set more having been beating to a bloody pulp by her recently.
Privateer Press have some upcoming releases for both Warmachine and Hordes, check out these three guys.
Andy gets another look at Warmachine: Wrath. This time it's the new additions to the holy armies of Menoth.
Here are the latest previews from Privateer Press... Master Ascetic Naaresh and the (plastic) Redeemer.
Check out the painted version of the Vessel of Judgement.