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New Halo Miniatures From Mantic Games! Master Chief Worthy Minis Coming 2025! #OTTWeekender
3 months ago 28It's OTTWeekender time! We check out some of the awesome new Halo miniatures that Mantic Games are bringing to Wave 2 of Halo: Flashpoint in 2025! Things are hotting up with brand new Spartan variants and the tease of Elites and Brutes on the horizon. If you're a Master Chief or Halo fan in general, the future looks bright.
Restoration Games has announced another set coming to the Unmatched series. This time around, the Bard Of Avon is calling on some of his famous characters in a tabletop clash as part of Slings And Arrows.
Restoration Games has a new entry into the Unmatched series popping up this year. Sun's Origin will see Japanese legends battling against each other on the tabletop using the awesome Unmatched mechanics.
The Unmatched series expands, even more, this month with a new entry in the Marvel series by Restoration Games. Three new heroes will be battling it out on the tabletop soon with Brains And Brawn!
Restoration Games is now taking pre-orders for one of their new Unmatched sets. This time around we're seeing illusions and magic thrown into the mix with Houdini Vs The Genie!
Acram Digital have announced that they'll be bringing Unmatched to Steam this Autumn. Adapting Restoration Games' tabletop title into a digital experience
Entering Harry Houdini and The Genie of the Lamp into the Unmatched Arena, in the upcoming set: Unmatched: Houdini vs. The Genie.
There's a new dino, and dino deterrent coming in Unmatched, in the second Jurassic Park product with Dr. Sattler vs. T. Rex.
Find Precious Middle-earth Miniatures With Mithril! A Secret Hoard For Tolkien Fans? #OTTWeekender
65It's OTT Weekender time! We've found some precious and alternative Middle-earth miniatures from the folks at Mithril! Is this a secret hoard for tabletop Tolkien fans to dive into?
Marvel reinforcements have arrived. Bringing the Redemption Row and Hell's Kitchen into the fray.
Restoration Games announced on Twitter that we will be seeing the first cohort of Marvel releases this month, starting with Redemption Row.
Warhammer: The Old World; Will You Take It Back? + Build Sci-Fi Terrain In Minutes #OTTWeekender
113It's OTT Weekender Time! Warhammer: The Old World, will you take it back? Also, we check out ace Sci-Fi terrain you can build in minutes.
Your favourite game of mish-mashed heroes battling head-t0-head has some new characters joining the fray. Achilles, Yennega, Sun Wukong and Bloody Mary are making their way into Unmatched from Restoration Games, with characters that diversify the game pool further.
Cyberpunk Works On TableTop, Star Wars: Legion Finally Gets Lando & Dystopian Wars Is Back Baby! #OTTWeekender
87This week on the OTT Weekender! We're looking at Cyberpunk Red, Star Wars: Legion and an excellent Indie Of The Week from Titan-Forge in this week's episode!
Restoration Games and Mondo Games who co-publish the Unmatched series of board games have announced that they are going to be releasing a set of Marvel-based sets which introduces both heroes and villains from this comic book world.