Star Wars: Legion
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Join John and Ben as they go through your community projects on the forums and in our projects system.
Win Kill Team Commanders expansion sets and let us know if this is a step in the right (or wrong!) direction for Games Workshop.
Fantasy Flight Games talked about the new Specialist Sets coming to Star Wars: Legion during Gen Con this year but this is one of the first times we get a proper look inside the boxes at what these new characters can do for your army.
Join us as we'll be sleuthing through your community projects and forum topics to see what you've been up to this week.
Scout Troopers might be known for flying into trees in Return Of The Jedi but they are actually some of the most highly skilled troops in the Galactic Empire.
What have you been up to this week?
We're unboxing the amazing miniatures from The Edge: Dawnfall, and discussing Nanty Narking with Phalanx Games!
What have you been working on lately?
Fantasy Flight Games has now released two more expansions for use in Star Wars: Legion. Han Solo and the Rebel Commandos are now hitting the field to stick it to the Empire.
What have you been up to this week?
We have an awesome episode of The Weekender from the US Studio!
Star Wars: Legion expands in the near future with a look towards allies on both sides of the galactic conflict.
We're talking Age Of Sigmar Champions with PlayFusion, the future expansions for Lightseekers and cracking open some cool terrain this week!
If you're into Star Wars: Legion and want some more hobby-related content to delve into then check out The Rebel Scum Podcast!
Fantasy Flight Games has now released their set of terrain for Star Wars: Legion, the Priority Supplies box.
UKGE Prize Winners to announce, a great delve into Vanguard Of War and Drowned Earth and much more today on the show!
Fantasy Flight Games has decided that if you can't get your underlings to do a job properly, you send in the head honcho.
Time to furnish the space station and talk a bit about narrative!
We've got an interview looking at wargaming through Kursk AND the announcement of a new Terrain Challenge!
Hello everyone. In this video I respond to some feedback from Collin at Battle Systems and start to add more structure to the table. Come take a look.
PlastCraft Games has been working on a new range of awesome Sci-Fi Terrain for their ColorED range.
Lots to look at on today's update. Let's dive right in and see how the table looks now!
Welcome back to more playing with Battle Systems for this Star Wars Legion table build...
Hello everyone! It's time to get back into the Space Station table build.
Today we're unboxing A Song Of Ice & Fire by CMON and hearing all about what makes Mythic Games' Solomon Kane tick with Az!
If you're looking to get into the hobbying side of Star Wars: Legion then Fantasy Flight Games' new Premium Bases might be what you're looking for.
Join John today as he'll be striking up the brushes from the dusty wasteland of the Hobby Lab
New heavy weapon teams are dropping in for the forces of Star Wars: Legion thanks to Fantasy Flight Games.
Welcome to the first fully sponsored Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) Star Wars Legion tournament held at the UK Games Expo in Birmingham. Run and streamed by Glasshammer Gaming.
James Mangold, the Director behind the rather superb outing for Wolverine that was Logan, is going to be at the helm of the new Boba Fett movie spin-off.
We sit down with Roberto from Warcradle about the design philosophy for Wild West Exodus.
We come towards the end of the day here at Beasts Of War and the team is getting ready to play some Star Wars: Legion...
Let’s Play: Star Wars Legion – 862 Point Game
7 years ago 11
Hello everyone! While I am waiting for more terrain parts to arrive, I've turned my attention to some X-wing Fighters.
Jabba's favourite wall-hanging is on the move!
Today I discuss your awesome comments and what we have thought about due to your feedback.
On to a new project today! I am starting to put together an awesome space station interior or use in Star Wars Legion.
In my last stream I was painting up some marvellous AT-ST's and Air Speeders from Fantasy Flight Games, I even paint in a happy little tree for your viewing pleasure.
John's painting up a storm on the Beasts of War Twitch Channel.
Join John tomorrow at 1pm BST over on twitch or here on the BoW site as he'll be painting Live!
As well as the foam that already exists for Star Wars: Legion by Battle Foam (UK Store), they have also now added new foam on the US Store for your AT-STs, Airspeeders and Terrain features.