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Community Spotlight: Malifaux Pigpens, Spring Cleaning RISK & Done Is Better…

3 years ago 4

Lovely muddy pigpens, a look at "getting things done" and then a neat way of getting together a small scale army thanks to a thrift shop purchase! Some great ideas for folks to sink their teeth into.

Cult Of Games XLBS: What Are Your Tabletop Gaming Regrets?


Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! This morning, we're asking what is your tabletop gaming regret? What game or set of miniatures do you lament adding to your collection. 

The OP Bring Warhammer 40K To RISK Later This Year


The Op has announced a new version of RISK which is going to be coming later this year. You are going to be able to dive into the grimdark world of Warhammer 40,000 alongside this board game classic.

Prove You Are The Dovahkiin As RISK Heads To Skyrim


Another RISK option is hitting the tabletop which has you venturing into the world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. 

Weekender: WIN New Age Of Sigmar Two-Player BATTLEBOX & Roman RISK!


We delve down into some awesomeness from a full week of tabletop gaming on The Weekender as the folks from UK Games Expo join us in the studio.

Weekender XLBS: Games We Loved & The Ones That Got Away!


We're discussing some of the games that passed us by and others that really stuck with us as we're joined by Ben and Cad from 4Ground!

Plan Your Hostile Takeover In USAopoly’s Game Of Thrones Risk


Are you missing Game of Thrones yet? (We definitley are!) Then have a go at USAopoly's Game of Thrones Risk! Playa s your favorite house and use your strategy to maneuver yourself and gain control of the kingdoms necessary to reclaim the thone!

Family Create Their Own Risk War Room


Risk is one of those games that every gamer has in their repertoire and for many of us it was our introduction to gaming with large armies at our command. However, one family has taken it even further and have succeeded in making their very own large scale Risk War Room!

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