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Freebooters Fate



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This Freebooter Bounty Hunter Is Certainly No Dog


Check out this new bounty hunter on the way for Freebooter's Fate. She certainly looks like she knows her way around a sword!

Time To Shell Out Some Gold For A Freebooter Mercenary


Another miniature is on the way for Freebooters Fate. See what you think of this Mercenary Captain ready to gun you down and run you through...

Yar There Be Gobos Boardin’ Freebooter’s Fate


Ahoy there mateys, I be breakin' out me pirate voice again and ye know what that means... new Freebooter's Fate minis!

Pirates & An Imperial Leader Face Off In Freebooter’s Fate


Check out some new additions to the Freebooter Crew!

Raise the Jolly Roger for Freebooter’s Fate this January


Three new piratical crew members are being released for Freebooter's Fate this January, celebrating the new year with a yohoho and a bottle of rum.

Freebooter’s Amazon High Priestess is Ready to Start the Sermon


Freebooter's Fate is receiving a new miniature to lead the lovely ladies of the Amazon faction. This one comes complete with pet winged snake!

Freebooter’s Piratical Barco Fights Under Shady Palms


Freebooter's Fate look to finish their pirate crew and add some landscaping to their newly plundered islands.

Big Cannons & Amazonian Deckhands from Freebooter Miniatures


Check out these warrior women of the high seas from Freebooter Miniatures!

The Cult Sign Up for Plunder and Pillaging with Freebooter


Freebooter's Fate now has a dose of the magical with the coming of The Cult to the high seas.

Freebooter’s Fate Boards the Good Ship IndieGoGo


Freebooter Miniatures is celebrating its first ten years in business by setting up an IndieGoGo campaign to create a set of limited edition Freebooter's Fate minis they are calling Freebooter's Fate Legends!

El Charro and Pujamen Bound into Freebooters Fate!


Freebooters Fate welcomes two more dangerous individuals for the goblin crews out there!

A Preview of the Freebooter Exclusive at Essen 2012!


Freebooter Miniatures show off the exclusive model from this years Essen 2012!

The Freebooter Brotherhood Welcomes the Sultry Adombra


Freebooter unleash the sultry Adombra into their piratical world...

Colpo di Mano Appears in a Puff of Smoke from Freebooter


Freebooter Miniatures bring out a fantastic looking Brotherhood Assassin!

This June Freebooter’s Fate Arr Supplyin’ the Grogg


Freebooter Miniatures have previewed the greens for the next Salty Sea Dogs we can expect to see coming out this June.

Freebooter’s Angel Takes Flight Again


Freebooter Miniatures have announced that their Fallen Angel mini is once again available to all from their web store.

The May Releases for Freebooter’s Fate Now Available


Freebooter Miniatures finally release their new content for May.

Tecuani and Her Oncas Board Freebooter’s Fate


A new fearsome, female feline mini has been previewed for Freebooter's Fate. Tecuani, accompanied by her cat companions the Oncas.

Sneaky and Goblin Additions to the Freebooter Crew


Some sneaky crewmen from the Freebooters Fate folks.

Freebooter’s Fate Hoist the Colours


Hey guys I just thought I'd show you these new images which have gone up on the Freebooter's Fate site of some of their latest minis painted up.

A Dwarf in Freebooter Form?


One hell of a digger from Freebooter Miniatures.

Freebooter’s Fate Has a Bug Problem


Freebooter's Fate have previewed the greens for an awesome upcoming minis for the Amazons.

Evocative Amazon Preview from Freebooter


Superb Work-in-Progress Amazon warrior from Freebooter.

Momma Galina Joins the Freebooter’s Fate Crew


Avast me hearties. Its been many a day since I last broke out me pirate typin' voice and the latest skurvy dog to join Freebooter's Fate gives me just the opportunity. Aharr!

Momma Galina and a new green from Freebooter Miniatures


Fresh from the studio of Freebooters Fate come this latest Goblin Pirate Captain... Momma Galina!

Greens for Latest Freebooter’s Fate Releases


Freebooter Miniatures have put up a new series of greens for some new minis being released this November. Check these out.

Freebooter’s Fate Amazon Warrior


Freebooter Miniatures have brought out a new Amazon warrior for Freebooter's Fate.

Limited Edition Freebooter’s Fate Miniature


A new Limited Edition miniature for Freebooter's Fate has been previewed. Called "Bait" it is sure to tickle the fancy of any Buccaneer gamer.

Freebooter’s Fate Delve into the Deep Jungle


Freebooter's Fate is prepared to explore deep into the depths of the darkest jungle with the upcoming game expansion Deep Jungle.

New Foolish Release For Frebooter’s Fate


Freebooter Miniatures have put up the greens of the newest miniature for Freebooter's Fate, the Fool!

Arr Freebooter’s Fate Releases Be On The Horizon


Arr there me harties, yo-ho-ho and shiver a timber, there be two new releases set for Freebooter's Fate.

The Amazons Join Freebooter’s Fate


Freebooter Miniatures have put up the images of the greens for their new Amazon range in Freebooter's Fate. Check out these lovely ladies.

The Amazons are Coming Soon for Freebooters Fate


The brand new Amazons will soon be available for all you lovers of Freebooters Fate! Plus you can have a look at some smashing pirate greens.

Mono… New Pirate for Freebooter’s Fate


Here's a new pirate for Freebooter's Fate... Mono... here's what the guys at Freebooter have to say about him.

First Look: Freebooters Fate | Freebooter Miniatures


Warren and Darrell have a first look at Freebooters Fate

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