Dark Age
Darrell takes a look at the Forsaken starter set for Dark Age.
Things have been in a flurry of activity over at Dark Age, with a selection of miniatures being re-released with the new cards.
Now here's something that flew in under the BoW radar... I was browsing through the Dark Age: Apocalypse gallery and spotted these...
Darrell and Andy relax and discuss the rulebook for Dark Age: Apocalypse, the revamped post-apocalyptic skirmish game from Dark Age Games.
Prior to the launch of their new Forces book, the guys at Dark Age Games have released a bit of preview artwork of the Forsaken Shade, just to whet your appetite.
After Darrell's shameful overview of Dark Age: Apocalypse on TURN 8, we've sent him away with a copy of the game's Quickstart rules to try to ease him in to the Dark Age universe more easily.
If you're interested in Dark Age Apocalypse (and why wouldn't you be), then you can get on over to the Dark Age website and download their forces lists... for FREE!