Blood Bowl
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It looks like Games Workshop have taken a very interesting turn and seem to be moving their product into Toy and Model shops with their Build & Paint series of kits...
Forge World are handling the future of Specialist Games with Games Workshop and one of the first products to be seen is Blood Bowl. At a recent open day event they showed off some of the concept art for the teams AND more importantly also some great images of the models they've worked on so far...
Willy Miniatures must have bribed the referee as they sneak a Dark Elf Assassin onto the Fantasy Football pitch as one of their upcoming releases.
If you're getting pumped for the start of the Rugby World Cup tonight then how about mixing in some nerdery with the sports and cracking out your copy of Blood Bowl as well!
Another great week in the tabletop gaming world and we're here to chat about some interesting Games Workshop digital games and new Kickstarters too...
See how two more of the monsters from Dungeons & Dragons: Battle for Faerun are shaping up as the new Dice Masters set comes ever closer.
Looking for some new bodies for your fantasy football team? Take a look at these from RN Estudio.
See what Vortice Miniatures has to offer in the way of halftime help as they unleash their Wights onto the Fantasy Football pitch to crush your enemies and send others fleeing in terror!
See what you think of the Dwarfs of Blood Bowl II! I reckon this could be a pretty awesome game when it eventually comes out!
Take another look at Blood Bowl II with a great little teaser showing off the teams and the stadiums you'll be playing in when it launches.
Will you get down and dirty with the newest expansion for Blood Bowl Team Manager?
Vast Stadiums & Roaring Crowds For Blood Bowl II
11 years ago 19Is it time to kick off another game of Blood Bowl in the upcoming reinvention that is Blood Bowl II?
See what you think of the developments being made with Blood Bowl II. Does it look like it's shaping up nicely?
See what you think of another Star Player to come out of Willy-Miniatures. Is this new Fantasy star someone you want to employ?
Let's cross our fingers that the latest return to form for Blood Bowl in video games will be a good one!
Want To Play Blood Bowl Differently? Try Dart Bowl!
11 years ago 3Tom Kendrick explores a new way of playing Blood Bowl. If you're tired of the same tournament formats and people playing similar teams this certainly shakes things up and gives it a new lease of life.
Check out Star Bowl from RN Estudios. Is this a harmless parody or should it be flagged up as a bit of a rip-off?
Check out the teaser trailer for Blood Bowl II thanks to Cyanide. What do you think of this update to the format?