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Spellcrow released a couple of new sets for those seeking to lead their 10mm Argatoria armies with undead champions. You can now get your hands on both Skeleton Champions and a Command Group for Sheol-morg armies.
Spellcrow has another new 10mm Fantasy army for you to snap up for use in their wargame, Argatoria. You can get yourself started with Gaeldor as your faction of choice with the Gaeldor Army Starter Bundle.
Spellcrow has released an awesome new monstrous miniature for players of their 10mm Fantasy wargame, Argatoria. The terrifying Hydra is ready to support Sheol-morg armies on the tabletop.
Spellcrow have added some more awesome 10mm Fantasy miniatures to their collection for use in their wargame, Argatoria. The Kozars are on the warpath with some new heroes spread across a couple of sets. We start with the Command Group.
The folks at Spellcrow have expanded their range of 10mm scale Fantasy miniatures for their wargame, Argatoria, with some excellent new miniatures. The best of the new releases is the Forest Dragon which looks stunning!
Spellcrow has released a new set of resin miniatures for you to use with your 10mm wargames. As mentioned by Spellcrow, these Wild Animals would be great for use with the Gaeldor army in Argatoria.
Spellcrow already has an astounding range of fantasy figures in 10 mm but now they have a set of rules to go with them in Argatoria: Great battles in the barbarian world.
The folks at Spellcrow have now released the rules for their 10mm Fantasy wargame, Argatoria in both digital and physical formats. The rules were also accompanied by a selection of Starter Armies to get you going!
Gerry dives into an unboxing of a new set of 10mm Fantasy wargaming terrain. This comes from the expanded Spellcrow's Argatoria range!
It's OTTWeekender Time! We check out some amazing RPG maps for D&D heroes plus join an Adventure In Oz over on Kickstarter!
Spellcrow has been showing off a few more small scale additions to their miniature collection recently.
Argatoria is an upcoming 10mm wargame coming out from the team at Spellcrow.