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Warploque’s Jungle Gremlins Cast Their Funky Spells


A Jungle Gremlin Shaman is showing off his power for Warploque Miniatures' ArcWorlde.

Warploque’s ArcWorlde Dragon Heads To The Casters


Warploque Miniatures have some monstrous creations to show off. There is a Dragon heading off to the casters and a Giant on the way.

ArcWorlde Enters its Final Week With a Giant Release


Warploque Miniatures are beginning the countdown for the last 7 days of their ArcWorlde Kickstarter. And how are they celebrating their amazing success? Why, with an amazing giant model of course!

Fear The Day You Run Into The Beast Of War!


Warploque Miniatures are approaching their final week on Kickstarter and to celebrate it they have a whole host of new miniatures in the pipeline. There is one however that is more epic than all the rest. Prepare for The Beast of War!

A Massive Giant Is Snapped For Warploque’s ArcWorlde


Warploque Miniatures were hanging out with friends and one of them snapped a rather awesome looking Giant on the horizon!

Warploque’s ArcWorlde Heads Into The Jungle!


Warploque Miniatures unlock more fancy bits of shiny and they close in on their next warband!

The Fire Dragon Raises Its Mighty Head From ArcWorlde


Check out this massive bloody Dragon from ArcWorlde!

Warploque Miniatures’ ArcWorlde: The Man Behind It All!


Zak Macklin has continued following the ArcWorlde Kickstarter from Warploque and has done another Q&A session with the man behind it all, Alex Huntley. See what's running through this mans mind!

Warploque Add Some Magic To Kickstarter Proceedings


Have you delved into the strange world of magic with Warploque Miniatures yet?

ArcWorlde Unlocks The Wild Elves Of Caledon


See what you think of this additional warband that has made it's way into the world of er...ArcWorlde for Warploque Miniatures.

Warploque’s ArcWorlde Bursts Stretch Goals!


What do you think of these additions to the Warploque Miniatures Kickstarter campaign?

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