We explain how the Goblin Doom Diver works
Warren gets the low down on scaring Tau away in Combat
we discuss why it may not always be a good idea to shoot before assaulting!
the guys discuss the placement of characters armed with Powerfists
we talk about how to avoid the dreaded phase out when playing as Necrons
We discuss the horror of fighting a Dreadnought in Close Combat
Warren shows off a sneaky tactic he used in the club where one Troop choice took two Objectives
the guys talk about Orbital bombardments and clarify their rules
We talk about why its generally a good idea to go second in warhammer 40k
Can you really see under a Monolith?
We talk about the Frenzy Ability from Warhammer Fantasy
The guys call for a Taxi and discuss Dedicated Transports for Warhammer 40k
The guys explain how Fear works in Warhammer Fantasy
the guys expand on the Well be Back rule
The lads explain how Land Raiders work as Dedicated Transports
The guys discuss Space wolves with Know No Fear
Our tame Cheese maker and Warren tackle the mechanics of Ordnance weapons
The lads take a closer look into some key and interesting tactics for the Necrons
The guys talk about something that happened at a tournament
The lads tackle various scenarios for we'll be back