Dropzone Commander



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Review: DcZ one of the Classics?

May 26, 2018 by commodorerob Cult of Games Member

In Love

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I was introduced to DzC at the very first BoW Bootcamp. It was there I just fell for the game in a massive way. The concept is not entirely unique...earth fighting back against an alien invasion. It draws in many classic sci-fi tropes.

In the game there are 5 current factions:

UCM (the united colonies of mankind) who are leading the reconquest

Scourge the alien invaders who are parasites that are akin to Jelly and have all kinds of weird creates and vehicles

PHR (the Post Human Republic) who left earth before the Scourge invasion following the advice of a glowing Sphere they returned with lots of shiney weird tech

Shatari another alien race who doned really like the Scourge, have on and off relationship with the Humans.. sneaky space hedgehogs

The Resistance - the guys that were left to fend for tgthemselv when the Earth owned planets were overrun by the Scourge. They live underground or in out of the way places. These are the real Heros ( I am not biased honest) they have old but cool Tech.

The mini's are pretty much perfect, the designs by Dave are simply stunning and continue to be great designs. On a less positive note and maybe a personal issue is the resin being used in the new era under TT Combat in my opinion is very inferior to that which was previously used. However this is only to be expected as Hawk never owned the resin formula and TT Combat use their own.

The rules of this generally 2 player game ( 4 at a push) are easy to pick up but difficult to master. They get out of the way of a the game, even the results charts for hits you can easily work out as its a D6 mechanic with unit stats upto a plus or minus two equation very easy when you know how.  The rules are currently undergoing a refresh but 2.0 is shaping up to be a great version. Dave is still behind the wheel looking after his baby which is good.

Its one of those games I have played to death, we even have the Dropbeasts Team for BoW which has actually achieved something in competitive play 🙂 I will be kicking this off again in the Autumn.

Recently TT Combat took over from Hawk as owners of this IP. This has meant a bit of change and some catching up to do so whilst they have made some positive steps by opening up the beta it's only been in the last couple of months that DzC has seen some love. The Community of players has waned somewhat, and the tournament scene has dropped off a cliff with several regular events in the UK being cancelled. There is still a tournament at UKGE on the Sunday ( which I cannot make as I cannot get there on time) so the next one will be at the TT Combat day in Milton Keynes in October 2018 in the UK.  There is also core of European and US players who will I am sure reignite things for V2.0 ... Viva La Resistance

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Cult of Games Member

Can’t wait for this game to really make a proper come back.

“we even have the Dropbeasts Team for BoW which has actually achieved something in competitive play”

We sure do. Probably the largest collection of wooden spoons in all of game-dom… 🙂