Sea Going Ladies Join Your Crew For Freebooter’s Fate

November 16, 2016 by brennon

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Freebooter Miniatures has put together two more releases for November. Slithering through the sands to begin with we have Marshalla Silvie...

Marshalla Silvie #1

This snake lady looks like she's ready to drag you off into the jungle and cut you to ribbons with that sword of hers.

Marshalla Silvie #2

She acts as a Mercenary but will not fight for the Imperial Armada, Pirates or the Goblin Pirates. The work across her lower body and the snake scales is great and it is actually quite a nice transition between the human portion of her and the monstrous half.

Secondly, we have the decidedly more human looking Delora Waits.

Delora Waits #1

She seems much more civilised although if you listened to her songs then you would probably think differently. Singing some lewd songs she will boost the fighting potential of your crew.

Delora Waits #2

I'm not such a fan of her model compared to Marshalla but I do like that we're seeing some more colourful characters in the mix here.

What do you reckon to these new crew members?

" is actually quite a nice transition between the human portion of her and the monstrous half"

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