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Zombicide: Night of the living Dead – CMON announcement

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ced1106 5 years, 1 month ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Big companies are big because they give the people what they want : moar of the same.

    Or to quote @avernos : ‘people are the worst’

    As such I’m sure CMON will milk this until everyone is sick and tired of Zombicide re-skins.
    And based on the amount of Monopoly re-skins that exist I doubt it’s going to end at all, because Zombicide has exactly the right amount of fun baked into the system (plus everyone loves to kill zombies).

    I suspect they need all the extra money they can in order to cover the one innovation they do have : Teburu



    > How many times are CMON going to reskin Zombicide?

    > Sure there might be a tweak or two in the rules between editions, but basically it’s the same game.

    Well, it ain’t a reskin.

    They’ve removed Runners and Abominations, and replaced them with Breakers and Loved Ones. Also, the Survivors can flip to their weaker, Romero, side, if they see a Loved One. Also, instead of a “get from point A to point B” mission, they’re they’re doing a tower defense. IMO, That’s more than a reskin and *not* a tweak.

    You’re under NO obligation whatsoever to buy the game. I’ve been waiting 50 years for some 3D trowl-stabbing goodness, and don’t mind the Romero estate making a few bucks. Zombicide’s dice mechanics aren’t all that much worse or better than any other diced-based ones.

    The campaign will have no goaled SG’s, and will show everything you get for your pledge from the start.



    CMON keep making versions of Zombicide because people keep buying them. People keep buying them because they want them. That people keep buying them brings in revenue that allows CMON to develop non-Zombicide products as well. CMON make money, people who like Zombicide get a product they want, people who like other CMON games indirectly benefit from the revenue the franchise brings. People who don’t like any CMON product are free to ignore it and spend their money elsewhere.



    Looks like I wasn’t the only person interested as CMON have discussed it in the day 2 KS update. Long story short, the 1968 movie is and always will be out of copyright, but a restored version by the Museum of Modern Art in 2016 was sufficiently restored to be considered a new work and allow that version to be claimed by IMAGE TEN. They also control image rights of the cast which lets them license out merchandise.


    Cult of Games Member

    I hadn’t noticed it at first, but it looks like this is a short kickstarter.
    And it appears the stretchgoals aren’t hitting the level of insanity that is standard for Zombicide kickstarters either.
    I do wonder why they even bother with kickstarter exclusives …



    I don’t think there are any stretch goals in this one, which would also explain why it’s so short.



    > I do wonder why they even bother with kickstarter exclusives …

    “Should we put the iconic naked ghoul in the retail core box?”

    “Uh… no.”

    “But it’s okay to have a bunch of ghouls killing and eating humans.”

    “Oh, sure. Welcome to America.” 😀

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