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    With winter approaching ever closer and the talk on the forums about CMON’s table top mass battle game A Song of Ice and Fire, I thought I would post up some painting tutorials and pictures of my units so far to help motivate me to finish them and maybe to help out painters and players here on the forums at BoW OTT.


    So, having picked up the game through the Kickstarter they had run and finished a few months back now, I was eager to see and paint the miniatures. This is also lead me to begin my painting tutorials which is an art to itself I soon discovered. With each new unit I made a step by step painting tutorial for the miniatures to help those that had their KS pledges and we maybe wondering about how to paint them.

    Feed back was positive which motivated me to make more videos and now I’m at a stage where I am happy with the overall quality of the tutorials that I have done,but they could be better I know.

    The best thing about the AsoiaF minis is that they are simple in design and details, which means that you can easily batch paint a unit in a day easily. Wither with base coat and wash method, or by quick blending the highlights over a dark base color.


    StarkArchers3he Stark bowmen were the first unit that I decided to paint and batch painted them 6 at a time as there as the unit sizes are 12 miniatures to a tray meaning you won’t have to paint hundreds of the same type of miniature which is good 🙂

    All the units come in their own plastic tray and box which is a really elegant design choice by CMON as  I can store them away easily and safely.

    Here is the first painting tutorials for the bowmen

    Part 1.

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Please leave me any feedback to these videos as I would appreciate your comments.




    The second unit I painted were the Umber Berserkers which are some great models and have again nice simple designs and really well defined faces which are lacking in some of the other units in the range sadly.

    Again, I approached these in the same technique as the bowmen with wet blending the colors on the miniature to allow the colors to blend more easily and to paint at speed which is the main goal here as I want to get these on the table painted a.s.a.p.

    Umber unit

    And here are the links to the painting tutorials.

    Step 1

    Part 2

    Sadly I don’t think I got around to doing the final video due to technical issues.

    I will try and do another tutorial for them in the future as now I have another unit 🙂




    The third unit was the Stark sworn swords. They are very basic in details and have a lot of metal, cloth and leather areas on the models.

    I tried to get the colors the same as the card art and art book illustrations ( which I am kicking myself for not getting in the KS now)

    Stark SS



    As for the snow basing, I had a lot of people asking how I did it. In truth it is really easy and not expensive to do.

    Here is a link to the video tutorial which includes the materials I used for the bases.

    Basically, you will need the following;

    Tamiya Snow Effects bottle

    White pigment

    And that’s it. No messy saw dust or baking powder as many people use. I have found this technique to be the easiest and give the best results.

    If you wanted a more denser snow then just add more thinned out layers of the snow effect to the dried layer and build it from there. I did add water to the snow effect product to make it more fluid as out of the bottle it is quite thick in consistency.

    and when the snow effects is completely dry, it sets rock hard so there are no flakes falling off in your figure care of storage box etc..



    I also painted some of the Stark heros from the base game and the Hero’s 1 set that has been released already I think.

    Stark Characters

    Here is my first ever and most watched tutorial of Hodor.

    and the SS Captain

    Hope these help guys,and please let me know if you have any questions.

    Currently working on some Stark Outriders and the Blackfish.



    Very beautiful stuff so far!



    @mage Thanks mate 🙂 I hope the video tutorials are watchable and that people can take something away from them when painting their own minis.

    Have fun painting them all 🙂



    I have finished my starter set Stark army with extras from the Ks and here is a quick video showcase of the army.

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