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Where to begin?

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This topic contains 20 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    Ok. Should I start a new project blog here or a new forum topic? I have started again on rehashing my rules mostly due to inspiration from this topic to date.

    I will admit I approached this half heartedly, not expecting the reaction although small.


    Cult of Games Member

    Get those stories/fluff written, and get them posted for people to read. You need to gauge if people would be interested in a game based on your writings. Then get the system up to playtest level and start playing it with your mates and refining it. Use proxy minis or standees. The design of the minis won’t matter till you have the game to use them in.



    True. Alright. When I have something written, you all will be the first to know.



    I don’t know if you need help anymore with that question, but I can talk to you, that you need to think in a different direction.
    What do you have now? No money, no skills, but you have a great desire and aspiration. I think so. And you need to move with little steps.

    1. Find people, who have been making these 3d models or similar. Learn more about their business. Speak with them.
    2. Learn theory. You need to understand, how you can do it. Every step. And only after that initiate to realize your own ideas.

    3. Write in details every aspect of learning so don’t forget anything.

    4. Besides save money

    And only after that you will have two options:

    1. Invest your money in your idea


    2. Create a Patreon and build up a community to talk about the project and get funds.

    Don’t forget to organize your work schedule in the right way, in order to be more concentrated and keep your mind fresh do some breaks: do sport exercises or pleasure yourself with coffee or tea break at home.




    Whilst you may not have the design for your minis yet I would advise getting something that will give you a proxy that’s as close to your design as possible, on the base size you plan to use and game the crap out of your rules system. Test them by playing them like the worst gamer you can think of or if you have a friend like that in your community playtest with them and keep a lot of the problems, questions, clarifications etc…

    Try and get a few different styles of players like those who focus on a narrative built force, those who play a narrative style game and those looking to compete and test the force selection and rules to their breaking point.


    Cult of Games Member

    Spam bot alert!



    please review that users posting history!

    @tgu3 @nakchak

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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